Sign Petition To Make South Parkdale Streets Safer

Over the last 10 years there have been 9 pedestrian and cyclists hit by cars on King Street between Dowling and Dufferin. These numbers include 3 deaths.

It has been almost 2 months since the cyclist tragedy at King and Cowan. A number of community members have been reaching out to councilors (Gord Perks), the Toronto Police Service, family and friends to work on ideas on how to make our streets safer for everyone in the future. It was suggested to start a petition to show local residents support for these changes. We can never allow a tragedy like this happen again in our neighbourhood.

Please share widely from the site.…

Dundas & Roncesvalles Planning Study Consultation – Dec. 4

City Planning staff are conducting a study of Roncesvalles Avenue between Queen Street West and Boustead Avenue, and of Dundas Street West between Boustead Avenue and Sorauren Avenue. City Staff are holding a Community Consultation meeting to provide an update on the study and the draft urban design guidelines.

This study reviews the built form and physical character of the area which includes examining building envelopes, height and massing, assessing heritage resources and considering streetscape and landscape improvements. Here is a link to review the past staff presentation of the Planning study:

If you are unable to attend this meeting, please forward your comments to and Joanna Kimont, City Planner at

Date: December 4, 2017
Time: 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Place: 116 Fermanagh Avenue, St. Vincent De Paul Catholic School (Gymnasium)

6 Noble St. OMB Hearing – Dec. 12

The developer of 6 Noble St. originally proposed a 14-storey mixed-use building comprised of commercial space located on portions of the first and second floors, 174 residential units, and two levels of underground parking.

As you might know, the developer appealed their application to the Ontario Municipal Board (OMB). A pre-hearing conference has been scheduled for Tuesday, December 12th at 10 AM.   The purpose of the pre-hearing is to identify anyone who wishes to attend at the OMB Hearing, either as a party or as a participant, in opposition to or in support of the application.  If you have concerns with the development proposal, your involvement at this stage of the process is important.

City Planning staff and the developer have also continued to work to find a suitable proposal for the site.  The ‘without prejudice’ discussions between City staff and the developer allows for exploration of possible changes that might result in an agreement without offers or counter offers being made public. I am not involved in these discussions.

City Legal were informed that the developer will be making a revised ‘with prejudice’ settlement offer very soon. A ‘with prejudice’ settlement offer will be a public document. If available, it will be shared at the December 12th pre-hearing.

It is the Councillor’s practice to share details of any ‘with prejudice’ settlement offer prior to it being considered by City Council either through email or, if time permits, at a community meeting.

At this time, the developer has agreed not to seek a Hearing date at the pre-hearing conference. Instead, they will seek a second pre-hearing in April, 2018 which could be converted into a settlement hearing if a settlement is reached.

It is important that anyone with an interest in this matter attend the OMB pre-hearing on Tuesday Dec 12th, notwithstanding the fact that no Hearing date is to be scheduled. This will allow community members to be made parties or participants and be a part of any proceeding should a settlement fail to occur.

For more information please contract Councillor Perks office –

Date: December 12th
Time: 10:00 AM
Place: OMB, 16th Floor, 655 Bay Street (2 blocks north of Dundas St. W.)

Parkdale’s Pia Bouman School 32nd Nutcracker – Dec. 15-17

Parkdale’s Pia Bouman School for Ballet and Creative Movement presents their 32nd annual Nutcracker, Dec 15-17. This Nutcracker has an all-children cast & is wonderful for families. It’s also the main fundraiser for their bursary program for children that wouldn’t otherwise be able to take dance lessons.

Tickets are available at

Date: December 15 to 17th
Time: Afternoon and Evening performances
Place: 280 Quebec Ave. (Humberside Collegiate Institute – Lismer Hall)

Citizen Jane: Battle for the City screening at Revue – Nov. 29

Jane Jacobs has inspired more than one generation to take action in defence of the neighbourhoods they value.  See the origin story of the activist who later came to Toronto and whose work here is honored every year in scores of Jane’s Walks.

Citizen Jane: Battle for the City will be screened on Wednesday, November 29th at 7:00 PM at the Revue Cinema, 400 Roncesvalles
You can view the Citizen Jane trailer here

A portion of the proceeds benefit the High Park Community Alliance, which faces an OMB hearing over proposals to add six new towers and 1700 units to a two-block area that is already one of Toronto’s most densely populated neighbourhoods.

To buy tickets online for this exciting community event, please click on the link below:
Tickets will also be available at the door the evening of the event.

Look forward to seeing you there!

Toronto Review of Laneway Suites – Nov. 30

The City of Toronto is undertaking an initiative with the goal of considering the opportunity to allow and regulate laneway suites on the numerous laneways across Toronto and East York areas of the City.

The City is holding a community consultation meeting at City Hall where you can learn more, ask questions, and share your comments.

Date: Thursday, November 30th
Time: 6:30 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
Place: 100 Queen St. W. (Council Chamber)


King/Dufferin Condos approved at TEYCC Meeting

At the recent Toronto East York Community Council (TEYCC) meeting on Tuesday Councillors approved the re-zoning application of Lifetime Developments projects at King/Dufferin. The application will now go to the next meeting of full City Council for final approval. Once approved anyone objecting to this approved re-zoning application will have 30-days to object to the Ontario Municipal Board (OMB).

Here is a link to Gord Perks interview on CBC Metro Morning with Matt Galloway and read this article at Inside Toronto.

Neighbourhood Assembly to Oppose Luxury Condos at King/Dufferin – Nov. 9

Lifetime Developments has proposed a 14-storey and 17-storey luxury condo development at the intersection of King and Dufferin. The developer is proposing to build 703 luxury residential units and 10 retail units. Councillor Gord Perks has negotiated $1.9 million in Section 37 to be allocated towards a neighbourhood rental housing fund.  Is this enough to address our current housing crisis. In Parkdale, tenants and local businesses are being priced out. Neighbourhood inequality is growing. Members and groups in the community are outraged by this proposal, and are organizing to say NO to this development.
Join your neighbours for a neighbourhood assembly to prepare a platform, sign up for public deputations, and start a letter-writing campaign for the upcoming Toronto East York Community Council (TEYCC) on November 14th, 2017, where City Planning is recommending to approve the rezoning application for 1182-1221 King St W. This is our chance speak as a community. 
This is not Liberty Village. This is Parkdale. Let’s unite to say “Not in our Lifetime.”

Date: Thursday, November 9th
Time: 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
Place: 201 Cowan Ave (Basement)

Background Information: