Community Meeting for 1182 & 1221 King St. W. – Nov. 1

This is a follow-up Community Meeting to Lifetime Developments proposed development at 2-sites kitty-corner to each other at the intersection of Dufferin Street and King Street West. Councillor Perks is holding this meeting to review the developer’s revisions to the original application and to hear from community members. Councillor Perks will be joined by City Planner Kirk Hatcher and a representative from the development team.

City Planning will be submitting their Final Report on the 1182-1221 King St. W. Rezoning Application to the November 14th meeting of Toronto and East York Community Council (TEYCC). If you are unable to attend the Community Meeting but are interested in further information, please contact the Councillor’s office at

Date: Wednesday, November 1st
Time: 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
Place: 171 Dunn Avenue at King St. W., Parkdale United Church basement

Laneway Housing Information Session by PRA – October 24

Join us at this information session to learn more about laneway housing and how it can affect Parkdale!  Speakers: Co-founder of Lanescape, Andrew Sorbara and Evergreen group will give a presentation on laneway housing with a Q&A at the end.

The City of Toronto is considering Laneway Suites (housing). A laneway house is a smaller, detached home located where the garage would normally go on a single-family lot.

Vancouver, Ottawa and Halifax already allow this type of housing. There are over 300 KM of laneways in the city. Allowing housing in our laneways would create many more rental housing units.

Sign up HERE.

Date: Tues, October 24th
Time: 6:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
Place: 20 West Lodge Avenue, May Robinson Auditorium

Please read the following links and articles to help you better understand the advantages and disadvantages that laneway housing would have to our Parkdale community:
Lanescape – A laneway housing advocacy group
Toronto Star – Laneway suites could open up new Toronto housing possibilities…/laneway-suites-could-open-up-new-…
CBC News – Laneway housing a step closer to reality after community consultations…/metrom…/laneway-housing-report-1.4029590

Community Meeting 57 Brock Ave. Development – Oct. 23

The developer Brock Seaforth Inc. of 57-65 Brock Avenue, is submitting a settlement proposal to Toronto City Council which will be considered on November 7, 2017.

The settlement proposal makes revisions to the original application to amend both the Official Plan and the Zoning By-law to allow for a seven-storey residential building with two levels of above-ground parking located at the rear of 57 Brock Avenue. Details will be available at the community meeting.
Councillor Perks, City Planner Kirk Hatcher and representatives from Brock Seaforth Inc. will be in attendance.

If you are unable to attend the meeting and are interested in providing comment and/or receiving more detailed information speak to the planner directly, contact Kirk Hatcher, at (416) 392-0481 or or email Councillor Gord Perks office at

Date: Monday, October 23rd
Time: 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
Place: 20 West Lodge Avenue, May Robinson Auditorium

Open House for 2280 Dundas St. W. Development – Oct. 14

Choice Properties is hosting Open House #2 for the re-development of 2280 Dundas Street West (south-east corner of Bloor St. West and Dundas St. West), and the official launch of the Community Idea Centre.  These two activities, Open House #2 and launching a Community Idea Centre, are to further engage the neighbourhood residents in conversations around the future of Bloor and Dundas (current location of the LCBO, Loblaws and old Zellers).
Great to see a developer consulting with the community early in the process.

Councillor Gord Perks will be giving opening remarks at 12:00pm and 2:00pm.

Complimentary food and refreshments will be provided at this family-friendly event. Please visit the project website for more information on Open House #1 (held in July) and to stay informed:

Date: Saturday Oct. 14th 
Time: 11:30 a.m. –  2:30 p.m
Place: 2280 Dundas St. W. (by LCBO and Loblaws)

Queen Street West Restaurant By-Law Survey

The Toronto City Planning staff are currently reviewing the Queen Street West Restaurant By-law, implemented in 2013, that limits the concentration of restaurants located on Queen Street West between Dufferin Street and Roncesvalles Avenue (Areas A, B, C at 25% & Area D at 33%). In order to determine if the by-law is working properly or having any beneficial effect, the City is conducting a survey to collect the perspectives of residents and business owners.

The purpose of this By-law was to alleviate some of the issues created by restaurants which morph into late night drinking establishments including: excessive noise, public drunkenness, crowded sidewalks, garbage, traffic, and parking issues.

Additionally, this By-law was also to alleviate concerns that restaurants were pushing out other types of commercial uses which support the daily lives of the people living in the surrounding residential neighbourhood (i.e. services, grocery stores, pharmacies etc.).

Please complete the survey online at:

The deadline for the survey is Wednesday, October 18th. For further information contact Joanna Kimont via e-mail or her office at 416-392-7919.

Toronto Waterfront Summit – Oct. 27 & 28

You’re invited to Toronto’s first Waterfront Summit! This unique event will bring together stakeholders from across our city’s waterfront – from Etobicoke to Scarborough. Together, we will hear from thought-provoking speakers and work on solutions to urgent issues facing our waterfront.

Experts and organizations ranging from community groups to governmental and business interests will share their waterfront passions, goals, and stories in panel discussions and workshops. Together, we will strive to elevate civic engagement and shape the future of our waterfront.

The Waterfront Summit will take place at the modern and sustainable George Brown College waterfront campus. A detailed agenda and workshop sign-ups will be published soon. Don’t miss out on this special event. Reserve your spot today – RSVP!

Date: Friday Oct. 27th  and Saturday Oct. 28th
Time: Fri. 7:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m. and Sat. 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m
Place: 51 Dockside Drive (George Brown Waterfront Campus)

Milky Way Garden Design Reveal – Oct 7

Celebrate the successful purchase of Parkdale Neighbourhood Land Trust (PNLT) & Greenest City’s first piece of community-owned land and get a first-hand look at the 3-D model design!
Enjoy delectable hot chocolate and mulled cider, local fruits of the season, $2 samosas and momos plates of food.

Tours of Greenest City’s spaces and places


Date: Saturday, Oct.. 7th
Time: 3:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Place: Behind the Parkdale Library and 201 Cowan Ave.

Queen St. West Restaurant Study Consultation – Sept 27

The City is holding a Community Consultation meeting where you can learn more about this study, ask questions, and share your comments.

In 2013 City of Toronto Planning staff completed a study of restaurants and related uses along Queen Street West between Dufferin Street and Roncesvalles Avenue and the impact that these were having on other commercial uses along Queen Street West as well as on the surrounding residential uses north and south of the street.

Upon completion of the Study, City Council passed By-laws 1049-2013 and 1050-2013 placing certain restrictions on restaurants such as limiting their size and location within a building. Additionally, these By-laws placed a maximum on the number of restaurants permitted to be located in Areas A-D (see map) limiting the concentration of licensed restaurants to no more than 25% of the properties along Queen within each of these areas (with the exception of Area D at 33%).

City Council directed City staff to evaluate the impact of this concentration provision and to report back to City Council before the end of 2017. The purpose of this Community Consultation meeting is to present some preliminary findings related to this concentration provision and to obtain feedback from the Community.

To help complete the required analysis, the City retained the services of consultation firm Three Sixty Collective who will present their preliminary findings and will be available to respond to questions.

Date: Wednesday, Sept.. 27th
Time: 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
Place: 20 West Lodge Avenue, May Robinson Auditorium

On Common Ground Festival – Sept. 15/16/17

The On Common Ground festival features an engaging mix of culturally-diverse music, dance, storytelling, theatre, visual arts, local food, and family-friendly activities in celebration of Canada 150. This three-day festival will launch the world premiere of Miigis by Red Sky Performance. Melding contemporary Indigenous dance and live music, Miigis explores a journey from the Atlantic Coast to the Great Lakes.

For more information click here.

Date: Friday Sept. 15 to Sunday Sept. 17th
Time: 11:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.
Place: Old Fort York and The Bentway

Exhibition Place Community Consultation – Sept. 19

You are cordially invited to attend Exhibition Place upcoming Community Liaison Consultation Meeting on September 19th at Beanfield Centre. Use the link below to obtain event details and where to RSVP:

There is an  article worth reading in last Saturdays Globe by Alex Bozikovic about Exhibition Place:

Date: Tuesday, Sept. 19th
Time: 6:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
Place: Beanfield Centre, Meeting Room 203 (across from Enercare Centre)