Is It Possible To Build Affordable Condos? – Mar. 20

A Town Hall For Condo Renters

Keynote Speaker: Mike Labbé – President & CEO, Options International

Is condo ownership possible in Toronto? Mike believes it is.
Come join in for this valuable discussion.

Organize by Chris Glover, MPP Spadina-Fort York
RSVP by Friday, March 15 to

Date: Wednesday, March 20th, 2019
Time: 7:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.
Place: 11 Mariner Terrace, 3rd Floor (CityPlace SuperClub)

Parkdale Hub Survey Results

Thank you to all who participated in the Parkdale Hub Future Planning Survey

Between January and February we received 183 survey responses! The survey is still open and we are actively seeking more feedback from community members – HERE.

Parkdale Neighbourhood Land Trust, Parkdale People’s Economy, and Parkdale Residents Association are now working together to organize resident workshops and information sessions around the Hub.

This update will:

Share a summary of the survey results we received in January and February.

                                 SEE A SUMMARY OF THE RESPONSES

Inform you of an upcoming free Speakers Series about community hub planning. – HERE


On Community Hubs events – Mar. 14 & 21

Organized by Parkdale Neighbourhood Land Trust, Parkdale People’s Economy and
Parkdale Residents Association

A panel discussion on inspiring possibilities and challenges of community hubs. We’ll hear from experts in sustainable design, climate resilience, affordable housing, social enterprises and community benefits! Our hope is that this panel will provide learning and inspiration that residents can bring to future community consultations about the proposed Parkdale Community Hub at Queen-Cowan. Panelists include: Paul Dowsett (Sustainable TO), Shannon Holness (Community Benefit Network), Emmay Mah (Toronto Environmental Alliance), Marc Soberano (Building Up), and more.

Eventbrite Event:
Facebook Event:

A panel discussion on inspiring possibilities and challenges of community hubs. We’ll hear from experts and community members who have been involved in developing arts & culture hubs and/or community hubs that have brought together important community services under one roof! Our hope is that this panel will provide learning and inspiration that residents can bring to future community consultations about the proposed Parkdale Community Hub.

Eventbrite Event:
Facebook Event:

Dates: Thursday, Mar. 14th  & Thursday, Mar. 21st, 2019
Time: 6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.
Place: 201 Cowan Ave. (The Church of the Epiphany and St. Mark)

Ward 4 Community Meeting 2019 City Budget – Feb. 28

This is your opportunity to examine the 2019 City Budget. Information on the 2019 Preliminary Budget can be found HERE. Budget materials will be made available at the meeting.

Discussion points are:

  • how the City raises revenue
  • how the City manages finances
  • how the City invests in services
Date: Thursday, Feb. 28th, 2019
Time: 7:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.
Place: 1515 Bloor St. W. (Bishop Marrocco/Thomas Merton School – 3rd Floor Staff Room)

*Accessible entrance is on the south side of the building on Dundas St West*

Ontario Place Subcommittee Meeting – Mar. 5

To ensure our city and our residents have a say on its future, an Ontario Place Subcommittee has been struck by the Toronto East York Community Council. The first meeting of the Subcommittee of Ontario Place will be on Tuesday March 5th at 5:30pm, City Hall, Committee Room 1. We are encouraging residents of Parkdale to attend, and to register to speak to share your views on Ontario Place with TEYCC. They will also be considering a detailed report from City staff on the history and status of Ontario Place, and more.

The West Side Community Council of which the PRA is a member has registered to speak. We encourage you to do the same…this is an important piece of publicly owned land at the foot of Parkdale.

To register to speak on March 5th, please email

Date: March 5th, 2019
Time: 5:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.
Place: 100 Queen St. W. (City Hall, Committee Room 1)

Ontario Place Family Day Weekend FREE – Feb. 15-18

This Family Day weekend, explore Ontario Place, Toronto’s winter oasis on the waterfront and create new memories to last a lifetime. In addition to their regular winter program and renowned Winter Light Exhibition, they are excited to host back-to-back DJ Skate Parties with DJ Fawn Big Canoe and DJ Shane Mackinnon, a YMCA Kids Winter Pop Up and a complimentary screening of A Beautiful Planet at the Cinesphere. For those artistically inclined, Art Tonite will host paint nights Saturday and Sunday and SPFX Kids will be onsite for a series of special effects classes and face painting for kids.  Plan your Family Day at Ontario Place, where there is something special for everyone!

You can view a full list of activities here.

Date: Friday to Monday, Feb. 15th to 18th, 2019
Time: Hours vary for each day
Place: 955 Lake Shore Blvd. W. (Ontario Place West Island)

Textiles and More – Fundraiser Sale – Feb. 9

Creative Reuse is selling fabric pieces and quilting pieces – various sizes and types, old sewing pattern catalogues, thread, sewing trim of all kinds, velcro, and much more, including some art materials, and interesting odds and ends.


Date: Saturday, Feb. 9th, 2019
Time: 12:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Place: 1229 Queen St. W. (Sewing Repair Hub – basement of Parkdale Community Health Centre)

Traffic Community Meeting – Feb. 7

You are invited to a South Parkdale Traffic Community Meeting with City of Toronto Transportation Staff and City Councillor Gord Perks.

This will be an opportunity for you to share concerns related to traffic volume in the neighbourhood as a result of events at Exhibition Place Grounds and Liberty Village.

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Councillor Perks’ office at 416-392-7919 or

Date: Thursday, Feb. 7th, 2019
Time: 7:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.
Place: 171 Dunn Ave. (Parkdale United Church, basement)