Federal Electoral Reform Town Hall – Oct. 11

MP Arif Virani and MP Mark Holland are holding a town hall  meeting to get your ideas about Electoral Reforms in our Federal Government.
 Explore the principles and values that shape our democracy, learn more about the different electoral systems, and discuss the ways we can participate in voting.  This is an opportunity for community members to discuss and share their views on electoral reform with each other and the government.

Register at:  https://www.eventbrite.com/e/electoral-reform-town-hall-tickets-27889730936

Date: Tuesday, October 11th
Time: 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 pm
Place: 1515 Bloor Street West, Auditorium Bishop Marrocco/Thomas Merton Catholic School

Update Building Developments – 11 Brock, 57 Brock, 6 Noble

11 Brock

The Toronto Parking Authority is in discussion to purchase the land from the provincial government where they will, in the short-term, look to operate a surface parking lot. In the longer terms they are seeking the construction of affordable rental housing units with an included public parking garage.

57 Brock

An application for Rezoning was submitted on June 30th, 2016 regarding proposed construction at 57 Brock Avenue. The applicant is proposing to construct a 7-storey residential building containing 106 units and 73 parking spaces.

Planning staff will now review the application and will be holding a community meeting in the near future – details of which will be shared when available.

Please view details of the application and development online at: http://app.toronto.ca/DevelopmentApplications/associatedApplicationsList.do?action=init&folderRsn=3982741&isCofASearch=false

6 Noble

An application for a Zoning By-Law Amendment was submitted on September 15th, 2016 from applicant 6 Noble Street Developments regarding proposed construction at 6 Noble Street.

The applicant is proposing to construct a 14-storey, mixed use building containing commercial use on the ground floor, with 174 residential units above.  The applicant also proposes the inclusion of 76 parking spaces in a below-ground parking garage. 

Planning staff will review the application and will be holding a community meeting in the near future – details of which will be shared when available.

Please view details of the application and development online at: http://app.toronto.ca/DevelopmentApplications/associatedApplicationsList.do?action=init&folderRsn=4023767&isCofASearch=false

Films With Friends \ Open Screening – July 16


The Parkdale Film + Video Showcase is excited to announce their open screening ‘Films with Friends’ is happening July 16th at The Tenant Cafe! This is a non-juried showcase co-presented by Toronto Open Screenings with support from Making Room. It’ll be an excellent chance to show your work in a great community space with wonderful people!

Thanks to the sponsors’ generous donations, they’ll be doing a raffle with tons of prizes from local Parkdale vendors and community organizations! There will also be food and drinks, with $4 beer, cider, and wine.

Share your work!
– first come, first shown
– any work: new, old, or in-progress!
– complete work or excerpts
– ten minutes & under
– no cost for admission

Formats accepted:
Nearly all digital video file formats, VHS & Beta (by request), DVD, BluRay, Super8, Regular 8, 16MM. Something not listed? Email info@parkdaleshowcase.ca to let us know what you need.

Date: Saturday, July 16th
Time: 6:00 p.m. – 11:00 pm
Place: 1267 Queen St. West – The Tenant Cafe

6pm // Doors and signup
7pm // Screening
8pm // Intermission and raffle draw
9pm // Dance party with Toronto DJ Michael Kushnir

Come on out and celebrate Parkdale!
Visit www.parkdaleshowcase.ca for more information

RSVP on their Facebook page here.

Eligible Seniors & Low-Income Residents Can Save Money on Property Taxes, Water & Energy Bills

Save some money by applying for municipal and provincial programs intended to help low-income residents and seniors. You might like to know about these programs yourself, or you can pass along to your neighbours.

The first three programs are for ongoing assistance, and the rest are for emergency situations.

Ongoing Assistance

City of Toronto Property Tax and Water Relief Programs:
Eligible seniors can have municipal property tax increases either cancelled outright or deferred until the property is sold. It’s based on household income and other criteria but there could be considerable savings. The Water Rebate Program also uses income as one of its criteria.

Both programs use the same application form.

Ontario Senior Homeowners’ Property Tax Grant
Seniors who qualify, can receive as much as $500 per year under this program managed by the Ontario Government. As with the other cases, household income is one of the criteria.

Read more about and apply for the Senior Homeowners’ Property Tax Grant

Ontario Electricity Support Program (OESP):
The Ontario Energy Board manages a program that provides eligible residents with reduced electricity bills (between $30 and $50 per month) based on household income level. The application is online, but there is also a printable form that can be given to residents without internet access.

Online Application Form
Printable Application Form

Emergency Assistance Programs

Low-Income Energy Assistance Program (LEAP)
Low-income residents can get up to $500 in emergency assistance for electricity bills ($600 if your home is heated electrically) and $500 for gas bills. The assistance is only available if the resident is behind on bill payments, or in arrears, and may face having service disconnected or switched off. It is for emergency situations only and is not meant to provide for ongoing help to pay bills. Applications are handled via a number of government and social service agencies.
Read more about eligibility and how to apply

Hydro One Free Energy-Saving Upgrades
If you qualified for the LEAP program noted above, you might also be eligible for free energy-saving upgrades from Hydro One. Income level and number of residents is used to determine eligibility.
Read more about Hydro One Free Energy-Saving Upgrades

Emergency Energy Fund (EEF)
This program is for low income residents of Toronto who are not in receipt of social assistance, and have received a disconnection notice or have already been disconnected and do not have sufficient income and/or assets to pay the arrears.

Residents should call 416-338-3332 where an initial eligibility assessment is done.
Read more about the Emergency Energy Fund

Crediting the Cabbagetown Residents Association for gathering this information

Exhibition Place (CNE grounds) Community Meeting – June 27th

The Parkdale Residents Association (PRA) is very concerned about what is happening at the South end of Parkdale.

Exhibition Place (EP) is a City-owned regional amenity of extremely high public value, comprised of 192-acres in the core of one of North America’s largest cities. As Toronto’s population continues to grow and the City becomes increasingly developed, Exhibition Place has the unparalleled potential to offer the residents of Parkdale, Liberty Village and all Toronto access to much-needed open green space.

But this potential is under threat. Recent events indicate that, under the problematic direction of the Exhibition Place Board of Governors, the City is in grave danger of losing much of this valuable open green space amenity for future generations.

The case of MUZIK is a particularly egregious case-in point. Unbelievably, the Board has proposed an Official Plan Amendment (OPA) that would extend the lease period of MUZIK beyond the current 21-year limit to allow the lease to extend to 2034 (!). The proposed means of extending the lease period is to *change the designation of the lands in the Westerly portion of Exhibition Place from ‘park/open space’ to ‘rejuvenation area’*—in other words, *to remove public open space in order that private businesses may benefit from public assets indefinitely into the future*.

Attend the once annual Exhibition Place Community Liaison Committee Meeting to have your interests and opinions heard.

Date: Monday, June 27th
Time: 6:30 p.m. – 7:30 pm
Place: FountainBlu – Queen Elizabeth Building, Exhibition Place

West Queen West Street & Heritage Study – June 23rd

WQW Study

The West Queen West Planning Study is underway. City Planning staff are reviewing the policy context, built-form and heritage value of the properties on Queen Street West between Bathurst Street and Roncesvalles Avenue.

The Planning Study involves public consultations to clarify what defines the street character and to develop a community vision for the future. Transit capacity and parking supply are also being reviewed.

The City staff will be available if you would like to ask questions. They also want to hear your ideas, input, and comments on these matters.

The evening will begin with an Open House from 6:30-7:00pm, followed by an update by City Staff on the WQW Planning Study. FGMDA Architects, will then give a presentation followed by a discussion facilitated by the project team.

Here is  a link to the PRA study done in 2015 re West Queen West Planning Study.

Date: Thursday, June 23rd
Time: 6:30 p.m. – Open House,
7:00 p.m. – Presentation and Facilitated Discussion
Place: 1115 Queen St W. – The Theatre Centre

Public Meeting 6 Noble St. Development – June 20th


The developer of 6 Noble Street, 6 Noble Street Developments Inc., will be holding a pre-application meeting to discuss its proposed plans for this site.

The developer is proposing a 14 storey residential rental condominium containing 178 units. Further details will be available at the community meeting.

Councillor Perks and City Planning staff will be in attendance.

If you are unable to attend the meeting and are interested in providing comment and/or receiving more detailed information, please email Councillor Gord Perks office at councillor_perks@toronto.ca.

Please pass on this information to your neighbours.

Date: Monday, June 20th
Time: 6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.
Place: 1303 Queen St W. – Parkdale Library (basement auditorium)

Milky Way Garden Fundraiser – June 4th


The Parkdale Neighbourhood Land Trust (PNLT) is purchasing its very first piece of community owned land in Parkdale!

As Catherine Porter announced in her Friday Toronto Star column “generosity blooms in Parkdale” and PNLT has secured a partial land donation from activist filmmaker John Greyson! Now they need your help to complete the deal and make the Milky Way Garden a community owned asset!

Join with other community members on June 4th in the Milky Way Garden for an outdoor community potluck, donor drive and screening of Avi Lewis and Naomi Klein’s film about climate change This Changes Everything. FREE & ALL AGES.

PNLT & Greenest City have launched a fundraising campaign to raise 25k from the community and supporters. A short donor drive will be held at 8pm to support the acquisition of the Milky Way Garden. We encourage charitable donations in the form of cash, check, credit or debit. You can donate in person or online at: www.milkywaygarden.ca

Date: Saturday, June  4nth
Time: 7:00 p.m. – Community Potluck, 8 p.m. – Donor Drive, 9 p.m. – Film Screening of “This Changes Everything” – Introduced by Avi Lewis
Place: 87 Milky Way lane (behind Parkdale Library)

West-End YIMBY Event – May 22

west-end-yimby-v2-02 (3)

The West-End YIMBY (Yes in My Backyard) Festival at the Gladstone Hotel is an event for people and groups involved – or looking to become involved – in grassroots, locally driven community development in West-End Toronto. It’s a social space for people and groups to gather, exchange ideas, and establish connections to effect change and strengthen their networks.

Typically a citywide event, for this edition of the festival, the Gladstone Hotel has teamed up with Shape My City to create a local version in West-End Toronto. They are bringing together a range of socially-engaged local organizations to foster a neighbourhood network committed to affecting positive change and building community. 

The West-End YIMBY is a place to learn about the organizations building community in our neighbourhood, and find out how you can get involved. Come find out what your neighbourhood is up to!

Drop by the Parkdale Residents Association table.

Date: Sunday, May  22nd
Time: 11:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.
Place: 1214 Queen St. W. – Gladstone Hotel