(dis)Placed in Parkdale: Gentrification & Community – May 5

(dis)Placed in Parkdale: Gentrification & Community
Saturday, May 5th

12:00 PM to 2:00 PM: Jane’s Walk – Meet at Parkdale Project Read (1209 King St. W.) Join the Parkdale Neighbourhood Land Trust in learning how to preserve, protect and build a just, healthy and inclusive neighbourhood. See Parkdale through the eyes of divers residents and organizations in pursuit of equitable development. Speakers will share stories of building participatory strategies in response to pressures of displacement. Glimpse the future of a site of conflict and of community empowerment through Augmented Reality technology present by the Canadian Film Centre.

12:00 PM to 2:30 PM: Break and Gallery Tour Parkdale Library (1303 Queen St. W.)

2:30 PM to 5:00 PM: Public Panel Discussion – Democratizing the Economy in Toronto  – with Mercedes Sharpe Zayas (Parkdale People’s Economy; Cutty Duncan (formerly Social Planning Toronto); Wayne Chu (City of Toronto); Katharine Ranking (University of Toronto). Parkdale Library (1303 Queen St. W.)

Light refreshments, childcare and Tibetan translation provided during the public panel.

Queen West Restaurant Bylaw Update – May 2

In 2013, Toronto City Council passed the Queen West Restaurant Bylaw that limited the concentration of bars and restaurants on Queen Street between Dufferin Street and Roncesvalles Avenue. It also put some fairly standard restrictions on the size and operation of these venues.

The bylaw came from five years of work in our community to find a balance between different interests in Queen Street West’s future.

The purpose was to alleviate some of the issues created by restaurants that morph into late night drinking establishments. Some of the issues experienced by your neighbours include: excessive noise, public drunkenness, physical assaults, crowded sidewalks, garbage, traffic, and parking issues.

Additionally, one of the intentions of the Queen West Restaurant By-law was also to alleviate concerns that restaurants / bars were pushing out other types of commercial uses which support the daily lives of the people living in the surrounding residential neighbourhood (i.e. services, grocery stores, pharmacies etc.). [Daytime culture vs Nighttime culture]

A three year review was written in to the bylaw.

City staff have completed their review of the Queen West Restaurant Bylaw. It will be deliberated at Toronto and East York Community Council Agenda on May 2nd.


The review has determined that the By-laws generally met their intended objectives of limiting the number of eating establishments and helped mitigate some of the land use conflicts between this use and the surrounding residential neighbourhood.

It recommends amending the bylaw to delete the performance standard restricting the maximum permitted concentration of eating establishments to no more than 25% of the properties along Queen Street West between Dufferin Street and Roncesvalles Avenue.

The other performance standards of the By-laws, including maximum restaurant gross floor area of 200 square metres, restricting the use to the ground floor, limitations on accessory uses and prohibiting restaurant patios from locating  in the rear yard or on the rooftop, would remain.

Gord Perks our Councilor is satisfied with the recommendations however, he would ask that you review the report and share your comments prior to Toronto East York Community Council on May 2nd. He also welcomes you to participate in the TEYCC meeting on May 2nd. The item will be heard on or soon after 11:00 AM in Committee Room #1, 2nd floor, Toronto City Hall, 100 Queen St West. Information on participation is available on-line at https://www.toronto.ca/legdocs/tmmis/have-your-say.htm .

Parkdale People’s Economy Working Group – Apr. 30

Parkdale People’s Economy will be hosting a community meeting at PARC.

The meeting is a chance for community members to get involved in one of their seven different Working Groups and help advance the Parkdale Community Plan.

Join your neighbours and local community organizations to advance neighbourhood planning in Parkdale!

  • Work together to build a healthy and just neighbourhood
  • Share your thoughts and expertise about your community
  • Learn more about working groups, resident grants, and
    community activities happening in Parkdale

Free food, childcare, and translation services!
TTC tickets will be provided upon request.
Please RSVP to mzayas@parc.on.ca and specify if you
require any special accommodations.

Date: Monday, April 30th, 2018
Time: 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
Place: 1499 Queen St. W., (PARC)

Parkdale’s Intensification – What to Conserve? – Apr. 24

Can History tells us What To Conserve During Parkdale’s Intensification?

The Sunnyside Historical Society is hosting a community meeting.

Find out:
•  Why is Queen Street West so important?
•  What created our side street pattern?
•  Why are there FIVE Architectural eras?
•  Why is Parkdale the Gateway for new Canadians?
•  Must intensification start by replacing heritage?!

Open Discussion Period.

Date: Tuesday, April 24th, 2018
Time: 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
Place: 1303 Queen St. W., (Parkdale Library auditorium)

Environment Day (Reuse/Recycle/Dispose) – Apr. 28

Bring used or unwanted household items to the Community Environment Day event at Sorauren Park (along Wabash Ave.) South of Dundas St. W.

Pickup free compost, Kitchen Container ($5 each)

Donate School materials, Sporting goods, Books, Eyeglasses, Small household items, Textiles in good condition and Non-perishable foods.

Click HERE for more details.

Date: Saturday, April 28th, 2018
Time: 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Place: 289 Sorauren Ave. (Sorauren Park)

Walking Tours of Exhibition Place Grounds (Summer Sundays)

Exploring Exhibition Place Grounds Through the Eyes of the Community

A community-lead walking tour through the Exhibition Place (AKA CNE grounds) .

This 1.5-2 hour walking tour of the Exhibition Place grounds will be lead by Bruce Van Dieten, a member of the community, and will touch on various architectural and historical highlights of the site. Tours will begin at the Princes’ Gates.

To see a schedule of summer Sunday dates click HERE.

Laneway Suites Review Consultation – Mar. 29


“Changing Lanes” is a City of Toronto initiative studying how the City might allow and regulate laneway suites on the numerous laneways within the Toronto and East York District of the City.

The purpose of this community meeting is to present a set of draft policy changes and regulations to allow the construction of laneway suites in the back yard of low-rise residential properties in the neighbourhoods in the Toronto and East York District. The City is seeking your feedback before they are considered by City Council.

The meeting will include both a presentation and an open house where comments and questions can be directed to City staff.

Date: Thurs., March 29th, 2018
Time: 6:30 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
Place: 222 Bremner Blvd. Room 203 (Metro Toronto Convention Centre)

Earth Hour Candlelight Walk – Mar. 24

TWO VILLAGES MEET – Parkdale Village and Roncesvalles Village

Annual Candlelight Walk in support of Climate Action. Show how we come together and help each other cope with blackouts and extreme weather.

GATHER 8:15  WALK 8:30

PARKDALE START: Parkdale Library – Queen and Cowan

RONCESVALLES START: Peace Garden – Roncesvalles and Dundas

END: Queensway Intersection – Queen/King/Roncesvalles