Category Archives: Community

Combating Intolerance – Jan. 24

Are you concerned about recent events targeting vulnerable groups and the rise in divisive rhetoric? Join Arif Virani, your Federal Member of Parliament for Parkdale/High Park to discuss issues racism, sexism and rising intolerance. How can we promote acceptance and diversity in our Community and around the country.

Join these distinguished panelists: Renu Mandhane, Anthony Morgan, Rania Younes, Leila Sarangi, Todd Ross and Yasmeen Persad

Date: Tuesday, January 24th
Time: 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 pm
Place: 214 Wright Ave. (Roncesvalles United Church, Sanctuary)


Keep Queen West Heritage Together – deadline Dec. 20


We are all proud that Queen Street West is world-famous for its continuous, unbroken heritage character.

But developers are eyeing it for: high-rise, big box and chain retail. And today, Bathurst to Roncesvalles has no protection.

Fortunately, city planners are designing a “heritage conservation district” (HCD)- the strongest law to protect from over-development. But their first draft has big carve-outs. They exclude Jameson-to-Roncesvalles, and Dufferin-to-Shaw. True Queen Street West heritage: 200– Victorians – CAMH park – buildings like the Ocean View Hotel and the Great Hall. And that still lets the unbroken Queen Street West heritage get – broken (The City page for the HCD is here).

Let our Councillors + city planning know to keep Queen West together – the heritage conservation district is for all of Queen Street West.

Write Gord Perks, Ana Bailao, Mike Layton and City Planning @ our auto-email page – (includes talking points).

Parkdale Residents Association supports the efforts of  the collective voice of the West Side Community Council –
Read the WSCC response to the WQW Heritage Study report HERE.

Deadline for your comments is Tuesday, Dec. 20th

West Queen West Heritage Study – Nov. 29

WQW Study

Here is your opportunity to have a say in how Queen Street West develops on into the future. Come out and give your ideas and imagination voice.

This Community Consultation meeting will present the findings from the built form & character analysis and heritage evaluation as well as the draft recommendations of the West Queen West HCD Study. The Study reviewed the policy context, built-form and heritage value of the properties on Queen Street West between Bathurst Street and Roncesvalles Avenue.

The Study involved public consultations to clarify what defines the street character and to develop a community vision for the future. Transit capacity and parking supply were also reviewed.

The evening will begin with an Open House from 6:30-7:00pm, followed by an update by City Staff on the WQW Heritage Study. FGMDA Architects with MMM Group and ASI Inc. will then give a presentation followed by a discussion facilitated by the project team. This is where you can ask questions and share your comments prior to the final report.

Date: Tuesday, November 29th
Time: 6:30 p.m. – Open House,
7:00 p.m. – Presentation and Facilitated Discussion
Place: 1115 Queen St W. – The Theatre Centre

Town Hall Meeting OMB Review – Nov. 15

The Government of Ontario is reviewing how the Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) operates and its role in the province’s land use planning system.

You are invited to participate in a Public Town Hall Meeting to learn about the OMB’s current role in the land use planning process, to provide your perspectives, and to review and comment on changes the government is considering. Staff from the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and the Ministry of the Attorney General will be on site to answer questions about the various components of the review.

You are encouraged to RSVP online, by email to or call 416-585-6014 or 1-855-776-8011. Be sure to indicate if you require special accommodation to attend.

Members of the public are also invited to submit their written comments and feedback on OMB reform by December 19, 2016.

Date: Tuesday, November 15th
Time: 6:00 p.m. – 9:30 pm (Registration starts at 5:00 PM)
Place: 222 Bremner Boulevard (Metro Toronto Convention Centre,  North Building, Room 201)

Town Hall on Seniors’ Issues – Nov. 10

Join Arif Virani, your Federal Member of Parliament for Parkdale/High Park to discuss issues facing Seniors in our Community.

  • Canada Pension Plan
  • Old Age Security
  • Guaranteed Income Supplement
  • International Benefits
  • Veterans Affairs

Date: Thursday, November 10th
Time: 3:00 p.m. – 4:30 pm
Place: 95 Lavinia Ave. (Rousseau Room – Swansea Town Hall)

Register: Call 416-769-5072 or email

Free Public Lecture Series ON GENTRIFICATION – Nov. 3, 10 & 17


This series of three lectures provides an opportunity for residents, students, and guest lecturers to think together about an increasingly important reality — gentrification.

Parkdale, like many urban neighbourhoods, is changing rapidly. So, this is a timely opportunity to think together about the nature of that change (Lecture 1) and to collectively imagine how to respond; and how to ensure our neighbourhoods remain diverse and hospitable (Lectures 2 & 3).

*All lectures take place at 201 Cowan Ave. (south entrance) 7:00 – 9:00 PM

Thurs. Nov. 3rd
#1 – What is Gentrification
Speakers: Mervyn Horgan, University of Guelph & Scott Leon, Wellesley Institute
RSVP on Eventbrite

Thurs. Nov 10th
#2 – A Local Response to Gentrification
Speakers: Representatives from the Parkdale Neighbourhood Land Trust (PNLT)
RSVP on Eventbrite

Thurs. Nov 17th
#3 – Gentrification, Affordable Housing, and Community Finance
Speakers: Emma & Graham Cubitt, Indwell, Hamilton
RSVP on Eventbrite

Exhibition Place Strategic Plan 2017-2019 – Nov. 2


Exhibition Place Board of Governors are in the process of developing a new Strategic Plan for 2017 to 2019.  A Consultant’s report on the new Strategic Plan for 2017-2019 will be presented to the public. During each portion of the presentation groups will be asked to work together to respond to his questions. This will be your chance to provide your views on the future of Exhibition Place – 192 acres of City-owned property by the Lake.

There is also in the works a proposal coming forward from Exhibition Place Board of Governors to change the Official Plan designation of the westerly portion (West of BMO Stadium) from heritage, parks and open green space to redevelopment. Parkdale and Liberty Village are two adjacent neighbourhoods that are in dire need of parks and open green space.

Help create a new vision for Exhibition Place that includes the wishes of local neighbourhoods!

Date: Wednesday, November 2nd
Time: 6:30 p.m. – 8:00 pm
Place: FOUNTAINBLU (Queen Elizabeth Building, Exhibition Place)

The Parkdale Neighbourhood Plan is Ready! – Oct. 29th


Come learn more about how gentrification is impacting affordability and diversity in Parkdale; 7 key Parkdale wellbeing indicators; and 37 directions for community action!

In the last 18 months the Parkdale Community Economic Development (PCED) gathered community members, agency staff, friends, academics and you. Together through the PCED planning project they’ve built a vision for Parkdale that emphasizes four overarching values: Inclusiveness, Affordability, Diversity and Equity. The risk of untamed gentrification in the area puts these values at risk.

Please join in celebration as they share The Parkdale Neighbourhood Plan – a new story for Parkdale that offers strategies and actions to protect our shared values and promotes collective action, equitable development, participatory democracy, decent work, food security and shared wealth building.

Date: Saturday, October 29th
Time: 1:30 p.m. – 4:00 pm
Place: 250 Dunn Ave. (Bonar-Parkdale Presbyterian Church)


What’s in it for Parkdale? WORKSHOP – Oct. 27


Join us for a panel discussion and workshop on the ways in which residents can influence the development process. Presented by a collaboration between the Parkdale Neighbourhood Land Trust and Parkdale Residents Association.

Big development is coming to Parkdale. In the past year, 4 large condo buildings (totaling over 900 luxury units) have been proposed in Parkdale. While residents demand affordable housing and community spaces, these projects offer zero community benefits! This begs the question: what’s in it for Parkdale? How can we assure low-income and vulnerable community members are beneficiaries rather than the victims of neighbourhood development?
Speakers include community leaders from Kensington Market, Ossington and West Queen West, who have successfully fought and won community benefits for their neighbourhoods.

Guest Speakers:

Dominique Russell – Friends of Kensington –
Michelle Gay – Active 18 –
Charles Campbell – Active 18 –
Steven Wood – Active 18 –

Jessica Wilson and Benj Hellie – Ossington Community Association –

Date: Thursday, October 27th
Time: 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 pm
Place: 201 Cowan Ave. South Entrance (Church of the Epiphany & St. Mark)