City Community Budget Meeting – Feb. 10th

This meeting is an opportunity to examine the 2016 City Budget with neighbours, Councillors Sarah Doucette  (Ward 13) and Gord Perks (Ward 14).

For more information or to RSVP contact Gord Perks office at or 416-392-7919.

Date: Wednesday, February 10th
Time: 7:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.
Place: 1515 Dundas St W. – Bishop Marrocco/Thomas Merton School (3rd floor Staff Room)

Dunn and Dowling Bridges, Good News


Dowling Ped Bridge
The Dunn and Dowling bridges are important connections between Parkdale and the Gardiner Expressway, Lakeshore Blvd. West and the trails and bike path along the waterfront.  The Dunn Avenue bridge will be for vehicles, bicycles and pedestrians as well as higher trains. Dowling Avenue bridge will be for pedestrians and bicycles only.
Both bridges appear to be well underway.

Making Toronto a Climate Change Leader – Jan. 27th

Join Councillors Sarah Doucette  (Ward 13) and Gord Perks (Ward 14) as they share ideas to help Toronto reduce its greenhouse gas emissions and adapt to one of the biggest ecological crises of our time, climate change. This event is part of the Talk Transformation! speaker series happening throughout the city. Please RSVP here:

Date: Wednesday, January 27th
Time: 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
Place: 1515 Dundas St W. – Bishop Marrocco/Thomas Merton School (3rd floor)

Future of Gardiner Expressway East – Jan. 19th

Waterfront Toronto and the City of Toronto invite you to join their upcoming public meeting where you can comment on the results on the evaluation of the alternative designs for the Hybrid option for the future of the Gardiner Expressway East.

The Study
Waterfront Toronto and the City of Toronto are jointly carrying out the Gardiner Expressway / Lake Shore Boulevard Reconfiguration Environmental Assessment (EA) and Integrated Urban Design Study. The EA will determine the future of the Gardiner Expressway East and Lake Shore Boulevard East, from approximately Jarvis Street to approximately Leslie Street.
The Hybrid option was endorsed by Toronto City Council as the preferred alternative for the Gardiner Expressway East on June 11, 2015. The upcoming public meeting will present the results on the evaluation of the alternative designs for the Hybrid option, as well as urban design concepts for the study area.

How to Participate
You can attend the upcoming public meeting or participate online. If you are unable to attend the meeting in person, you can watch a live webcast of the meeting at and submit your feedback online.

Please register at:
For more information or to be added to the project mailing list, contact, or call (416) 479-0662.
To learn more about the project please visit

Date: Tuesday, January 19th
Time: 6:30 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
Place: 789 Yonge Street – Toronto Reference Library

Parkdale Residents Win 7-Year Legal Fight for PPP Rent Redress After City “Runaround”

“It was a breach of the standard of care for the city to not give any notice at all.  I affirmatively conclude that the city was negligent.”

With this ruling by Justice Paul Perell of the Ontario Superior Court, a 7-year legal fight launched by members of the Parkdale Residents Association over the rights of residents living in  legalized rooming houses between 2004 and 2008 was finally won.

Congratulations to Terence Williams, Warren Sheffer, and lawyer Brendan Van Niejenhuis for their resolve in righting an injustice that had deprived many low-income residents of the rent reductions they were entitled to.

Warren, a lawyer and former Vice President of the PRA, was the driving force in researching and raising early awareness of the issue and bringing the City to task when residents of 33 Parkdale rooming houses reclassified through the Parkdale Pilot Project were not notified of their rights to reduced rent.  When the City gave the PRA the runaround, Warren brought Terence and Brendan together to launch a class action suit.

The Parkdale Residents Association is proud to have provided seed funding to initiate the class action suit and to have helped publicize the case locally and push the City to do the right thing.  Proof that when residents band together we can make a difference, even against an intransigent City bureaucracy.



PRA Information Session – Dec. 15th

We’re having a meeting to discuss the future of the Parkdale Resident’s Association (PRA).  In particular we are holding this meeting for anyone interested in joining the PRA executive committee.  If you are passionate about civic engagement, and are interested in helping steer the future of our neighbourhood, we are hoping that you will join us in this informational session.  We are hoping to increase our influence in how our neighbourhood is shaped and need new members.  We meet once a month.

There is a lot happening in our village. Do you have any ideas about how Parkdale should be shaped?  Consider volunteering with us.  Some of the ongoing topics in our village are:
  • Open Space & Parks
  • Cycling & Transportation
  • Affordable Housing
  • Historical preservation & Architecture
  • Arts & Culture
  • Public safety
Lots is happening, be a part of transforming Parkdale into a better place for you and your neighbours. On the agenda is updates on the:
  • Queen West Street Study (PRA Study + update)
  • Results – Parkdale Neighbourhood Survey
  • Exhibition Place (AKA CNE grounds) & Muzik
  • UofT students parks space study – Parkdale

This is an opportunity for you to get involved and contribute to making Parkdale a better place to live / work.

Date: Tuesday, Dec. 15th
Time: 7 PM to 9 PM
Place: 20 West Lodge Ave., May Robinson Auditorium

Parkdale Flea – Dec. 12 & 13

Screen Shot 2015-11-20 at 5.33.32 PMParkdale Flea Market aims to bring together some of the best and most unique products that Parkdale/Toronto has to offer. Featuring vendors ranging from Antiques, Vintage, Collectibles, Local Artisans and Designers. They pride themselves of having impeccable taste and high standards when choosing their participants. Food and drink vendors will also be available so come hungry!

Date: Saturday, Dec. 12th and Sunday, Dec. 13th
Time: 10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Place: 1266 Queen St. West  – Rear

Vendors sign-up here