All posts by Ric Amis

PRA Federal All-Candidates Meeting + Call for Volunteers – Oct. 16

The Parkdale Residents Association (PRA) is hosting a Federal All-Candidates meeting. This is Parkdale residents’ opportunity to hear directly from the candidates running  for election in the Parkdale-High Park riding. One of these candidates will be our elected representative in Federal Parliament.

FREE COMMUNITY DINNER for the event will be provided starting at 6:30 PM courtesy of Greenest City – “EAT, THINK, VOTE” campaign.

Advance Voting takes place between Oct. 11th and 14th. You can get further details HERE on where to vote, what information you need and a list of all the candidates.

To prepare for the meeting the PRA attempted to contact ALL the registered candidates. We asked them in advance of the event to consider one question – What your vision is [for the future of] of Parkdale?

Given the principals, practices and policy of diversity and inclusivity that the PRA upholds and with much consideration the PRA Executive has rescinded our invitation to the Peoples Party of Canada candidate

Date: Wednesday, Oct. 16th, 2019
Time: 6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.
Place: 20 West Lodge Ave. (May Robinson auditorium)


As you know a lot is happening in Parkdale around development, affordability, food security, transit, etc.

The PRA is a small but vocal voice for local residents. The PRA reviews proposed development projects, we attend meetings, advise the City as needed, advocate for residents, participate in studies, campaign for local issues, share and highlight information to the community on behalf of other organizations, etc.

We’re looking for more people who want to bring their skills to the table, be passionate about advocacy and help us engage the community.

If you’re interested in contributing your time and skills towards community consultations, local events and participating in planning meetings please let us know!

Right now we need volunteers for:
• All-Candidates Meeting Oct 16th: postering, community engagement, Tibetan translation services, event set-up and strike, timekeeper, Facebook live capture
• Graphic Design work: PRA logo re-design
• CRM Management
• New Executive Members: help us plan new events and initiatives for 2020

Nuit Blanche in Parkdale – Saturday

If you are going out on Saturday night to enjoy Nuit Blanche check out what is happening locally in West Queen West / Parkdale. There are some local artists showing works during the nights festivities. To find out more click HERE.

Explore nearly 90 art projects created by over 300 artists, across 9 neighborhoods.

Date: Saturday, October 5th, 2019
Time: After Sunset and into the wee hours of the morning
Place: West Queen West / Parkdale / all over town


Have YOUR SAY on the Future of Exhibition Place – Oct. 10

It’s YOUR turn to talk about the future of Exhibition Place.

Exhibition Place is in OUR backyard – for some it is their backyard (local park and green space).

Eleven local residents’ groups from the area have put in hundreds of volunteers hours in public meetings, working groups, written reports and held community meetings regarding what happens to this PUBLICLY OWNED LAND. Here is what the PRA and West Side Community Council (WSCC) have to SAY.

To view and comment on the draft vision and guiding principles for the Exhibition Place Master Plan come to this public meeting. Check out the City’s information.

Date: Thursday, October 10th, 2019
Time: Doors Open at 6:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Presentation/Q&A: 7:00 p.m.
Place: 105 Princes’ Boulevard – Room 201ABC (Beanfield Centre – elevator available at North Entrance)

Community Hub Tours – Oct. 2 & 8

Planning for the new Parkdale Community Hub is underway!

As our community prepares for this development, join your Parkdale neighbours on a tour of one or both of the existing vibrant hubs below to learn about their green building design, youth and resident community engagement, and community-led design initiatives.

The tours are FREE and will include return bus transportation from PARC (1499 Queen St W) to each hub, light refreshments and food, as well as tokens, childminding, and translation, as needed.

Please RSVP with Karla at or (416) 537-2262 x269

Date: Wednesday, October 2nd, 2019
Time: 9:15 a.m. – 1:45 p.m.
Place:  1499 Queen St. W. (PARC to Bathurst-Finch Hub)
Date: Tuesday, October 8th, 2019
Time: 3:45 p.m. – 8:15 p.m.
Place:  1499 Queen St. W. (PARC to East Scarborough Storefront)

340-376R Dufferin St & 2 Melbourne Ave. Community Meeting – Oct. 8

A pre-application community meeting is being held to discuss plans by applicant Hullmark to amend the zoning bylaw. The proposal does not contain any changes to the current built form.

You are invited to attend this meeting to learn about the proposal details before a formal proposal is submitted. The meeting will include a presentation given by the applicant Hullmark, as well as a Q&A session chaired by Councillor Perks.

Date: Tuesday, October 8th, 2019
Time: 6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.
Place:  1303 Queen St. W. (Parkdale Library – Lower level)

72 Days of Free Art – Starts Sept. 21

The Toronto Biennial of Art is a new international contemporary visual arts event as culturally connected and diverse as the city itself. From September 21 to December 1, Toronto and surrounding areas will be transformed by exhibitions, talks, and performances that reflect our local context while engaging with the most pressing issues of our time. The Biennial’s free, citywide programs aim to inspire individuals, bridge communities, and contribute to global conversations from a variety of perspectives.

This stretch of Lake Ontario was active long before Toronto became a city. It has been populated by Indigenous peoples for at least 12,000 years, and was initially a site of trade, migration, and ceremony before it underwent mass settlement and industrialization. Today, the waterfront is host to relics of heavy industry, dense condominium developments, active and decommissioned military bases, manufactured parks, lost rivers, and human-made spits.

Click HERE for more information.

Federal Election is Coming

GET out and VOTE
Meet the Candidates at any one of these locations in our area.

Scheduled meeting of the Parkdale–High Park candidates:
Parkdale Tenants Association – Monday, Sept. 23th, 7:00 PM at Bonar-Parkdale Presbyterian Church – 250 Dunn Ave.

Bloor West Village Residents Association, Tuesday, Oct 1st, 7:30 pm at Runnymede United Church, 432 Runnymede Road

Green 13 – 100 Debates on the Environment – Wednesday, Oct. 2nd, 7:30 PM at Humbercrest United Church – 16 Baby Point Road

Swansea Area Ratepayers Association – Thursday, Oct. 3rd, 7:00 PM at Swansea Town Hall – 95 Lavinia Ave.

Roncesvalles-Macdonell Residents Association – Tuesday, Oct. 15th,  7:00 PM at Roncesvalles United Church – 240 Roncesvalles Ave.

Parkdale Residents Association – Wednesday, Oct. 16th , 6:30 PM at May Robinson Auditorium – 20 West Lodge Ave. (free food offered by Greenest City)

Communist Party of Canada – Alykhan Pabani
Liberal – Arif Virani
NDP – Paul Taylor
Green Party – Nick Capra
Peoples Party of Canada – Greg Wycliffe
Progressive Conservative – Adam Pham

Summer Garden Dinner – August 16

Greenest City would like to invite you to a dinner in the Milky Way Garden on Friday August 16th.

Greenest City thought it would be a nice idea to have community members and the various organizations working in and around Parkdale come to celebrate together in these last dog days of Summer.

The garden is in full swing and what better way to centre ourselves here than to gregariously eat some delicious local veggies, rambunctiously play bean bag toss and catch up with one another as though there’s a million things going on all the time!

Greenest City will be hosting and cooking up a storm.

Please feel free to drop by between 6:00 and 9:00pm on Friday August 16th.
The Milky Way Gardens are located at 87 Milky Way Lane – behind the Parkdale Library.

The event is Pay What You Can – with a suggested donation of $5, but no one will be refused.
There will be vegetarian and vegan options plentifully available.

Community Environment Day – July 27

Do your part to create a cleaner, greener and more liveable Parkdale. Drop off reusable and recyclable items such as clothing, small appliances, non-perishable food items and electronics. You can also drop off household hazardous waste for safe disposal and pick up free compost for your pots and garden.

Click HERE for more details

Date: Saturday, July 27th, 2019
Time: 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Place: 289 Sorauren Ave. (Sorauren Park south side)