All posts by Ric Amis

FREE Tree-planting Opportunities to Parkdalians

Hey Parkdalians,

Are you feeling a little disconnected from nature and the ecosystem you live within? Over at Mission Green Toronto, they feel the solution is improving green spaces within the city. They are a group of local youth who are determined to grow tree canopy cover in Parkdale. 

Trees are indicators of a healthy ecosystem. Trees help absorb stormwater runoff and carbon and; provide green spaces for humans and critters in an urban environment. Having trees in a community has been proven to increase the quality of life on both an environmental and social dimension and; also property value. Trees help liven up that grey urban landscape. 

Mission Green Toronto will be offering free tree-planting opportunities to Parkdalians, which includes the following services:

• Helping you decide which species is appropriate for the land (front, side, backyard, etc.)

• Host virtual town halls during the week of February 20th to help answer any questions or concerns

• Deliver, plant and watch the tree grow into strong community landmarks with your help

If you are interested in having a free tree planted on your front or backyard, or if you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to them at:

FREE Covid-19 Rapid Testing Kits Available For At-Home Use

You can now get a FREE rapid testing kit for at-home use. Ontario will be distributing 5.5 million rapid antigen tests each week for eight weeks through pharmacy and grocery locations across the province, as well as through community partners in vulnerable communities. Here is a list of everywhere you can get free rapid tests. Use the search bar for a major street or store near you >

340-376R Dufferin St. & 2 Melbourne Ave. – Feb. 16

Toronto and East York Community Council (TEYCC) is asking for public input and review of a proposal in order to make recommendations on an application by Hullmark Developments Ltd for 340-376R Dufferin St. and 2 Melbourne Ave. to change the range of permitted employment uses on the site.

Detailed information regarding the proposal, including background information and material and a copy of the proposed Official Plan Amendment may be obtained by contacting Kirk Hatcher, Senior Planner at (416) 392-0481, or by e-mail at Information can also be found here >

If you wish to address the TEYCC directly, please register by email to or by phone at 416-392-7033, no later than 12:00 p.m. on February 15, 2022.

Fires on Laxton Ave.

We are extremely concerned to hear of at least the third major fire on Laxton Avenue in Parkdale within a 1 year period. 

Laxton Avenue is a small street — approximately 210 meters long — south of Queen St. W. that runs east-west between Dowling Avenue and Jameson Avenue.  There is a mix of houses on the street and low-to-mid rise apartment buildings. 

In May 2021, there was a fire at the rooming house at 9 Laxton Avenue. Then on 2 December 2021, there was a fire at the Native Family Services residence at the northeast corner of Laxton Avenue and Dowling Avenue. Now, last night (17 January 2022), there was a fire at 4 Laxton Avenue. 
This is concerning for such a small street.

 There have also been several major fires elsewhere in Parkdale, including the January 2021 fire which displaced 12 men from a rooming house at 24 Callender Street; several apartment building fires on and near Jameson Avenue; and a significant fire at the southwest corner of Dowling Avenue and King Street West in December 2019.  

What is being done in terms of promoting fire prevention and fire safety in Parkdale? 

11 Brock Ave. (old LCBO) Update

City Council approved to lease the site at 11 Brock Ave. (at Noble St.) to a non-profit housing provider, yet to be determined, to develop and operate 40 affordable and supportive rental homes in a new 4-storey building.

The City and CreateTO have done additional due-diligence work on the site and they are now ready to proceed with the demolition of the existing building. Site activity will begin including construction crew and equipment on-site and installation of fencing mid-January.

Happy New Year Parkdalians!

Queen Street looking west from Dufferin in this 1898 view by photographer Josiah Bruce

As 2021 comes to an end, we want to thank you so much for supporting your community. This New Year’s Eve, the Executive from your Parkdale Residents Association wish you and your loved ones a safe and happy 2022. May it be a wonderful year for you.

We encourage you to give back to the community in any way that you can – whether it is donating non-perishable goods, volunteering in the community, or doing a good deed.

Here are just three suggestions of local groups doing good things: Parkdale Neighbourhood Land Trust, Parkdale Project Reads and Parkdale Activity Recreation Centre.

We wanted to share with you some of our highlights from 2021 that help build community…

Parkdale Hub Project (Queen W. & Cowan), West Queen West Area Study (Bathurst to Roncy), Parkdale Main Street Heritage District Study, new condo/rental developments along Queen West, King-Queen-Queensway-Roncesvalles (KQQR) intersection construction, Wabash Community Rec Centre development (Sorauren Park), Exhibition Place Master Plan, Ontario Place re-development, Laneway housing, greening Parkdale, affordable housing.

Very best wishes to ALL Parkdalians!!

Ontario Place Redevelopment – Dec. 14

On December 14, the Ministry of Heritage, Sport, Tourism, and Culture Industries is partnering with Infrastructure Ontario to host a virtual technical information session to share more information with the public on areas of work required to prepare the site for redevelopment.

At this upcoming Site Preparation Technical Information Session, the public will learn more about site preparation work that the province will be undertaking, including:

  • Environmental due diligence and approvals
  • Heritage conservation
  • Utility and site servicing replacement
  • Repairs to the Pods and Cinesphere
  • Design of the public realm

If you would like to join the Ministry’s event, here are the details:
Date: December 14, 2021

Time: 5 p.m. – 6:30 p.m.

Location: Zoom

KQQR Intersection & Closure of King Street West

Starting the week of November 8, Queen Street West and Roncesvalles Ave. will reopen to through traffic at the intersection of King Street West, The Queensway, Queen Street West and Roncesvalles Ave. (KQQR). Once reopened, King Street West will close from Queen Street West to Wilson Park Road to allow for Stage 2 construction work. Travel lanes will continue to be reduced on The Queensway from the KQQR intersection to Parkside Drive; however, a minimum of one shared travel lane in each direction will be maintained at all times.

Ex Place Public Consultation x 2 – Oct. 28 & Nov. 2

Hotel X Phase 2 Concept Drawing

There are two Public Consultations coming up regards Exhibition Place. The first is their semi-annual info session & public feedback – Oct. 28, 7-9 PM, and the second is regards their Strategic Plan 2022-2026Nov. 2, 6-7:30 PM. Due to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, both meetings are held virtually.

Over the past six years, local area Residents’ Associations have come together to ask for better visioning of these iconic 192-acres of City-owned land. We’ve been instrumental in establishing the City’s Exhibition Place Master Plan – now in its second phase. We’ve asked for local representation and more diversity (Indigenous, arts, heritage, architecture, etc.) on the Board of Governors of Exhibition Place. Where is the public in the major expansion of Hotel X Phase 2 (another 30-storey hotel and 7,000 seat events centre)? What is the relationship between what’s happening at Ontario Place directly south of Exhibition Place and the effects this will all have on the area residents? Make sure your voice is heard and attend both these events.

Community Liaison Consultation Meeting, Thursday, October 28, 7-9 PM
Connect to the Meeting on Zoom
To join the meeting with audio-only call
647-374-4685 or 647-558-0588 / Meeting ID – 347 639 8103 / Meeting Passcode – 0

Exhibition Place 2022-2026 Strategic Plan – Public Consultation Session, Tuesday, November 2, 6-7:30 PM
Connect to the Meeting on Zoom
To join the meeting with audio-only call
647-374-4685 or 647-558-0588 / Meeting ID – 837 6752 9430, Meeting Passcode – 0