Exhibition Place Community Meeting – June 7

Exhibition Place is holding an in-person Community Liaison Consultation Meeting on Wednesday, June 7th, from 6:00-8:00 PM at the Enercare Centre – StudioEX. Many things are happening on the Exhibition Place grounds as we continue to move away from Covid restrictions. This is your opportunity to receive updated information about the grounds, events and comment regards these 192 acres directly South of our community.

We have received no Agenda for the meeting as of this posting.

Things to ask about:

  1. Updates on Phase 2 Hotel X and the Ontario Subway Line
  2. Updates on the Garden of the Greek Gods, Bandshell Park and Centennial Park
  3. What progress has been made on the design and execution of the Festival Plaza
  4. Update on BMO Stadium expansion in preparation for the FIFA Games in 2026
  5. Update on the 2022-2026 Strategic Plan (animating the site 365-days per year)

Feedback Needed on 1117 Queen St. W. (old Canada Post Stn. C)

The 1117 Queen West Neighbourhood Survey is available for circulation. Please share with your neighbours and groups.

We want to hear your vision for 1117 Queen St W, Lisgar Park and our neighbourhood. The historic Postal Station C at 1117 Queen Street West has been sold by Canada Post and the new owner is proposing to redevelop the building. In one proposal, the owner has offered to make space available for community use in the building in exchange for more height. This version of the new owner’s plan suggests a contribution of (approximately) 1.5 storeys of community space in exchange for a 29-storey building.

The current 2-storey building was built in 1902 and the exterior remains in its original form, except for the back porch/loading dock. Both floors are large open spaces with high ceilings and plenty of natural light.

A small group of local advocates formed the West Queen West Community Post (WQWCP) – and have acted as stewards for the building since its sale was announced in the summer of 2021. This group of volunteers recently succeeded in getting the property designated by the City of Toronto under the Ontario Heritage Act.

WQWCP has put this survey together to engage the community and garner sentiment on a number of issues involving the building itself, Lisgar Park, West Queen West and our wider city.

We’d love to get your opinions about the future of the building and our neighbourhood. We’re looking to surface a collective vision!

The survey should only take a few minutes. You don’t need to answer every question, but the more you share with us the more nuanced our conversations can be with the building owner, City Councillor, and City Planning staff.

Note: survey participants will need to provide their email address in confidence

URL link http://tiny.cc/1117survey

Town Hall on Making Transit Safe – Apr. 20

Next Thursday, MP Artif Virani, MPP Bhutila Karpoche, and Councillor Gord Perks will host a town hall on making transit safe for everyone. This is an opportunity to give your three levels of Parkdale-High Park representatives feedback on how you think safety on the TTC can be improved.

Date: Thursday, April 20th, 2023 
Time: 6:30-8:30 PM 
Location: Bishop Marrocco Secondary School  at 1515 Bloor Street West, Toronto

Ontario Place Public Consultations – April 15th

The City of Toronto will be hosting an all-day public consultation on the development proposal from 12.30 PM – 4.30 PM at Beanfield Centre, Exhibition Place, 105 Princes’ BlvdNo registration is required, just show up! 

Attend an in-person consultation this Saturday, where City staff will break down the Province’s revitalization of Ontario Place proposal, and offer breakout rooms focused on particular aspects of the redevelopment proposal.

12.30 PM to 1.30 PM – Overview
1.30 PM to 4.30 PM – Themed Breakout Discussion Tables

Summer Youth Paddling Program

The Sunnyside Paddling Club is holding a Summer Camp for youth ages 7–17 through July and August. The program introduces kids to paddling disciplines such as kayaks, outrigger canoes, stand-up paddle boards (SUP) and Dragon Boat. The program will have a balance of technical instruction along with fun and play-based learning. Sunnyside Paddling Club is a Toronto community-based non-profit organization dedicated to the promotion and facilitation of paddle sports.

Register at: https://www.sunnysidepaddlingclub.com/youth-program

Have questions or want to learn more about the program? Contact them at youth@sunnysidepc.ca

150 Dunn Community Open House – Mar. 30

West Neighbourhood House and Parkdale Peoples Economy are hosting a community event at the Parkdale Intercultural Centre – 1365 Queen Street West this coming Thursday, March 30th from 4-7 PM.

There will be food, a raffle, dialogue, and information about the supportive housing being built at 150 Dunn Ave. (Unity Health Network hospital lands).

Eventbrite registration is here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/community-open-house-150-dunn-avenue-tickets-577840114337

340-376R Dufferin Street – Virtual Community Consultation Meeting – Mar. 28

Date: Tuesday, March 28th, 6:00-8:00 PM

This is a City-led meeting presenting the development proposal for 340-376R Dufferin St. and 2 Melbourne Ave. to the local community for the opportunity to answer questions and take feedback. Councillor Perks and City Planning staff will be attending.

You can review development application plans and/or REGISTER by selecting 340 Dufferin Street on page 2 – https://www.toronto.ca/community-people/get-involved/public-consultations/city-planning-consultations/

Hallmark Sun Life has submitted a development application for 340-376R Dufferin St. and 2 Melbourne Ave. Their proposal plans for 4 towers ranging in height from two mid-rise buildings (6 and 11-storeys) and two tall buildings (21 and 25 storeys) above a series of linked base buildings that are configured around a courtyard and privately-owned publicly-accessible open space (POPS).

We would like to bring to your attention that looking to the West the development is moving into a well-established historically mature neighbourhood of low-rise housing – Parkdale. To the East of the development are historically industrial lands following the rail tracks. Lands along the rail line have traditionally been zoned industrial and rezoned to mixed-use (i.e. commercial on the ground floor and residential above). The tall towers in this proposal look to the East for reference and validation and tend to skew the conversation. Community benefits need to be more fully discussed.