All posts by Ric Amis

BEAT THE HEAT! at Exhibition Place

The reopening of Exhibition Place’s drinking and decorative fountains! see map.

Three portable fountains have been opened today at Bandshell Park. Decorative fountains will be open by Saturday, June 19. It’s hot out so remember to stay hydrated!

Exhibition Place has re-directed resources to support this community request from the Parkdale Residents Association, West Side Community Council and local residents.

Want to Fight Climate Change and Save Money, too?

Join this free webinar: Tuesday June 1 at 7 PM

Many financial incentives are now available to help pay the up-front costs of a home renovation or a new electric vehicle — and HVRA’s NetZero Committee wants to help you decide what will work best for you.

In this June 1st webinar, Ariana Foyle, an expert in the City’s BetterHomesTO program, will cover:

· How to access government rebates, grants and loans for home improvements

· Subsidies available for purchasing electric vehicles (new and used)

· Q&A to address the specific concerns of audience members

To register for this free webinar, click HERE

(If you can’t attend, a link to the recording will be posted a day or two later at

This webinar is hosted by the Harbord Village Residents’ Association and co-sponsored by the Parkdale Residents Association and by neighbourhood associations across the city.


Growing things on your balcony or in your backyard garden may end up being one of the few guaranteed pleasures during a long 2021 pandemic summer. For both long-time gardeners and new Covid-era hobbyists, D’Loraine Miranda at Toronto Life has curated a fun list of insider tips and shops devoted to backyard/balcony gardens this summer.…/ten-ways-to-up-your…/

Free Seeds From “Food Up Front”

Food Up Front, a Transition Toronto project believes that growing local food is one way to mitigate the climate crisis by reducing food miles and our dependence on international agribusiness. They deliver seeds to people at no cost around the GTA. They are currently taking orders and looking for volunteers to deliver them. Visit their website to find out more about them and complete the relevant forms to either volunteer and/or order seeds. Orders can be made up to May 31.

Parkdale Community Hub Public Meeting – May 27

The Parkdale Hub project (at Queen & Cowan intersection), is a transformational city-building initiative that will deliver wide-ranging social, cultural, and economic benefits to the Parkdale community. The intersection is currently home to an important cluster of City-owned facilities and community services, all of which are in need of significant capital investment over the next 10 years.

Visit before the meeting for instructions on how to join in, listen and ask questions. You will be able to join the meeting using your internet browser (e.g. Google Chrome, Safari, Firefox, etc.) or the Cisco Webex app. You do not need to download software to participate.

Date: Thursday, May 27, 2021
Time: 6:30 pm to 8:30 PM
Place: Webex event: If prompted: •Event Number: 132 896 4920 •Event Password: parkdale

Wabash Community Recreation Centre is on the way!

The City is planning a new Community Recreation Centre, at the south-east corner of Sorauren Park, adaptively reusing the existing former Canadian Linseed Oil Mills Ltd. building (c 1910). This new Recreation Centre will have facilities of great interest to Parkdalians. This new public facility along with Masaryk-Cowan Community Centre will become integral parts of the Parkdale community.

Join the public meeting on Tuesday, May 11th from 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM. through this link >

Make sure to also take the SURVERY.


Join the Parkdale Neighbourhood Land Trust (PNLT) in celebrating the acquisition and securing of a building in Parkdale with 36 units of affordable housing. Last week the Parkdale NLT purchased 22 Maynard Avenue – an at-risk low-rent residential building containing 36 apartments in Parkdale. With this acquisition, the land trust has grown its community ownership in the area from 15 to 51 units of affordable rental housing – equivalent to a 240% increase!

Join the PNLT for an online celebration on Monday, May 3rd at 6pmRegister here:…/22-maynard-celebration…

Development Proposal for Dufferin & Temple – Apr. 28

Join us for a Virtual Community Consultation Meeting to learn more about this application, ask questions and share your comments. Your feedback will help inform the City’s evaluation of the proposed development.

Proposed Zoning By-law Amendment to allow a 16-storey residential building with 273 residential (condo) units inclusive of 22 rental replacement units and 109 parking spaces at 2-24 Temple Ave. The proposal will require the demolition of 9 existing houses. There is no retail on the ground floor.

Please visit the Application Information Centre at for further information, including: Applicant’s submitted plans and reports.

Councillor Perks and City Planning staff will be in attendance. We kindly ask that you join to share your comments.

Date: Wednesday, April 28, 2021
Time: 6:00 pm to 7:30 PM
Place: Register for Webex event (2-24 Temple Ave) >

Ex Place Community Consultation Meeting – Apr. 20

This is the first of two Exhibition Place on-line Community Liaison Consultation Meetings for 2021. They are planning to have a presentation by Metrolinx regarding the Ontario Line, information concerning Phase Two of the Hotel X, event outlook on the grounds, highlight their winter maintenance of pathways and open washrooms at the Horse Palace and discuss they will continue this practice as a standard going forward to encourage year-round use, additional picnic tables and grounds litter service to support summertime casual usage.

The Community will have the opportunity to join the meeting via your computer or your telephone.

Date:  Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Time:  7:00 pm – 9:00 pm

To join the meeting via your computer use the link below.

WebEx and use the password ”Explace”. To join the meeting audio-only dial (416) 216-5643, and use access code “132 025 1277”

Development Proposal for Queen W. & Brock – Apr. 19

Join a City Virtual Community Consultation Meeting to learn more about this application, ask questions and share your comments. Your feedback will help inform the City’s evaluation of the proposed development. The application is for: 1358-1360 and 1354-1356 Queen Street West and 8-10, 12 and 14 Brock Avenue.

Proposed Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment to allow a new 9-storey mixed-use building with commercial/retail uses on the ground floor. A total of 117 new residential condo units are proposed on the upper floors including 81 one-bedroom units (69%), 23 two-bedroom units (20%) and 13 three-bedroom units (11%).

The property is currently occupied by five buildings along Queen Street West and Brock Avenue. Four two-storey retail and a three-storey mixed-use building along Queen Street West and Brock Avenue and one two-storey semi-detached building on Brock Avenue.

Further Information: Please visit the Application Information Centre at for further information.

This proposal is making its way through the City process, with many years of Community, Planning, Heritage and City Councillors’ involvement, to change the current 14m (3.5-storey) height limit along Queen West to 20m (6-storeys). This developer is discounting all this public work. This property also sits to the North of the proposed Parkdale Hub project (at Queen & Cowan – Public Library, Community Centre, 1313 Queen, Green P parking).

Councillor Perks and City Planning staff will be in attendance. We kindly ask that you join to share your comments.

Date: Monday, April 19, 2021
Time: 6:00 pm to 7:30 PM
Place: Register for Webex event (1354QueenStW) >