Community Meeting 376R Dufferin St. (33 Acres Brewing Co.) – Mar. 1

Vancouver based 33 Acres Brewing Company will be holding a pre-hearing meeting to discuss their proposed plans for 376R Dufferin Street.

They are proposing to renovate the existing one-storey industrial building to include a craft brewery, retail store, restaurant and associated outdoor patio. These uses are currently not permitted at this industrial site.

Details regarding the proposed renovation will be available at the community meeting. Their Committee of Adjustment application is available on-line by searching the City of Toronto’s Committee of Adjustment – Development Application Centre – Reference # A1222/16TEY.

For more information or should you have questions and are unable to attend, please contact Joshua Michnik via email:

Date: Wednesday, March 1st
Time: 7:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.
Place: 1303 Queen St W. – Parkdale Library (basement – Meeting Room A)

CANCELLED – OMB Community Consultation – Mar. 9

Cheri DiNovo, our MPP, will be holding a community consultation on the future of Toronto’s relationship to the Ontario Municipal Board (OMB).

Torontonians deserve a real say about the future of our neighbourhoods and what they look like. But too often, the unelected and unaccountable Ontario Municipal Board makes important decisions that affect our communities.

The Ontario government is currently reviewing the OMB and needs to hear from residents. Please share this event with your neighbours and networks.

This free event is accessible and open to everyone. Please register at:

Date: Thursday, March 9th
Time: 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
Place: 1515 Bloor Street West (Bishop Marrocco/Thomas Merton Catholic Secondary School )

20th Anniversary for Gallery 1313

Since 1997 the Parkdale Village Arts Collective (PVAC), not-for-profit organization, has held more than 1,400 exhibitions with 800-plus artists and doesn’t show any signs of slowing down. It’s helped the neighbourhood become an art hub for emerging and established artists alike with members from across Toronto.

For more information click here

Location: 1313 Queen St. West (west of the Parkdale Library)

King Street Pilot Study – Feb. 13

King Street is the busiest surface transit route in the entire City, carrying more than 65,000 riders on a typical weekday.

The King Street Pilot Study is about exploring bold, transformative ideas for how to redesign King Street in order to move people on transit more efficiently, improve placemaking and the public realm, and support business and economic prosperity.

The Study will explore a range of ‘pilot options’ that recognize the different neighbourhood contexts along the 6km corridor from Dufferin Street in the west to River Street in the east (the PRA has made sure Parkdale is included).

The pilot options will be analyzed and evaluated using a variety of transportation, transit, city-building, and economic perspectives. Consultation and engagement is a critical part of the King Street Pilot Study, and a variety of community and neighbourhood groups, businesses and BIAs, and other key stakeholders will be involved throughout the study.

You are invited to join and add YOUR voice the conversation! Read more about the Pilot Study here.

Date: Monday, February 13th
Time: 6:30 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
Place: 55 John Street, Room 308/309 (Metro Hall)

Stories from Parkdale – Feb. 3

The 150 Stories Project began as Brick and Mortar Toronto’s response to the current disconnect between Toronto audiences and artists.
15 groups were given the task of picking a Toronto community that does not often see itself in today’s storytelling.
Each participant interviewed one person from their group’s chosen community and each group then created a performance piece based on the stories heard in the interviews.
The result: 15 communities, 150 storytellers, 150 stories.

This group is, lead by Luis Fernandes, is focused on the Parkdale community
For the past 10 years, and until 2016, Luis Fernandes and the Unit 102 Actor’s company owned and operated the successful Unit 102 Theatre in Parkdale. That is, until they were forced out several months ago by development in the very neighbourhood they helped to grow. While they search for a new location for their company, Luis chose to focus on the community and find out just exactly what stories are hidden within.

Order tickets here and use discount code “PARKDALE” to get $15 OFF

Date: Friday, February 3rs
Time: 7:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. – Doors open 6:30 p.m.
Place: 1402 Queen Street East, #c3 (The Attic Arts Hub)

Community Meeting 57 Brock Ave. Development – Feb. 8

Community Consultation Meeting for  57-65 Brock AvenueThe Beer Store location.

The developer of 57-65 Brock Avenue, Brock Seaforth Developments Inc., is proposing to amend both the Official Plan and the Zoning By-law to allow for a seven-storey residential building with two levels of above-ground parking located at the rear. You can view a copy of the Preliminary Report providing background information at: Details will be available at the community meeting.

If you are unable to attend the meeting and are interested in providing comment and/or receiving more detailed information speak to the planner directly, contact Kirk Hatcher, at (416) 392-0481 or or email Councillor Gord Perks office at

Date: Wednesday, February 8th
Time: 6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.
Place: 1303 Queen St W. – Parkdale Library (basement auditorium)

11 Brock Ave. Affordable Housing Visioning Workshop – Feb. 9

11 Brock Ave. (ex-LCBO) is City-Owned land that is going to become affordable housing. The Parkdale Neighbourhood Land Trust (PNLT) is gathering recommendations from residents on what type of affordable housing should be built. The focus of the conversation will be on the needs of senior housing, supportive housing and affordable family housing.

Speakers from the community will talk about recent planning initiatives and share stories of living in Parkdale. Residents will have a chance to discuss what type of affordable housing they would like to see in the community Parkdale.

Join the conversation!

Please register here or at the door.

Date: Thursday, February 9th
Time: 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m., doors open at 6:30pm
Place: 20 West Lodge Ave. – May Robinson Auditorium

Combating Intolerance – Jan. 24

Are you concerned about recent events targeting vulnerable groups and the rise in divisive rhetoric? Join Arif Virani, your Federal Member of Parliament for Parkdale/High Park to discuss issues racism, sexism and rising intolerance. How can we promote acceptance and diversity in our Community and around the country.

Join these distinguished panelists: Renu Mandhane, Anthony Morgan, Rania Younes, Leila Sarangi, Todd Ross and Yasmeen Persad

Date: Tuesday, January 24th
Time: 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 pm
Place: 214 Wright Ave. (Roncesvalles United Church, Sanctuary)


Keep Queen West Heritage Together – deadline Dec. 20


We are all proud that Queen Street West is world-famous for its continuous, unbroken heritage character.

But developers are eyeing it for: high-rise, big box and chain retail. And today, Bathurst to Roncesvalles has no protection.

Fortunately, city planners are designing a “heritage conservation district” (HCD)- the strongest law to protect from over-development. But their first draft has big carve-outs. They exclude Jameson-to-Roncesvalles, and Dufferin-to-Shaw. True Queen Street West heritage: 200– Victorians – CAMH park – buildings like the Ocean View Hotel and the Great Hall. And that still lets the unbroken Queen Street West heritage get – broken (The City page for the HCD is here).

Let our Councillors + city planning know to keep Queen West together – the heritage conservation district is for all of Queen Street West.

Write Gord Perks, Ana Bailao, Mike Layton and City Planning @ our auto-email page – (includes talking points).

Parkdale Residents Association supports the efforts of  the collective voice of the West Side Community Council –
Read the WSCC response to the WQW Heritage Study report HERE.

Deadline for your comments is Tuesday, Dec. 20th