Sunnyside Pedestrian Bridge Street Art Meeting – June 12

The STEPS Initiative, in cooperation with Street Art Toronto, will be hosting a community information session to provide local community members and stakeholders with some information about the project, artist, design, and opportunities for engagement.

This International cultural exchange will host one of Chicago’s most prominent street artists – JUSTUS ROE – to create an energetic and engaging abstract piece across the length of the pedestrian bridge to Sunnyside beach.

Come out and shape your neighbourhood!

Date: Monday, June 12th
Time: 6:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.
Place: 1303 Queen St W. – Parkdale Library (basement)
Can’t make the info session? Check them out at Roncy Rocks on June 17th

Community Control over Development in Parkdale – June 20 & 29


The Parkdale Community Economic Development (PCED) and Atkinson Foundation are organizing the first in a series of lectures – ON COMMUNITY BENEFITS.

DEVELOPMENT 101 – Come learn about the development and planning process in Parkdale and how to gain greater community control.

Benjamin Hoff – Urban Strategies
Clara Stewart-Robertson – Jane-Finch Community Centre
Claire Heese-Boutin – Parkdale Neighbourhood Land Trust
Moderated by Emily Paradis U- niversity of Toronto

Date: Tuesday, June 20th
Time: 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
Place: 201 Cowan Ave. – St. Marks Church

COMMUNITY BENEFITS 101 – Come learn about using Community Benefit Agreements as tools for gaining greater community control over development.

Rosemarie Powell – Toronto Community Benefit Network
Mariam Paul – East Scarborough Storefront
Michelle Francis – Community Action Planning Group
Moderated by Jenn Miller – Atkinson Foundation

Date: Thursday, June 29th
Time: 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
Place: 1303 Queen St W. – Parkdale Library (basement)

TTC Notice – Queen St. Worn Rail Replacement – June 5

Starting June 5, TTC track crews will begin work to replace worn rail at three streetcar stops on Queen Street West. Only one location will be completed at a time. Work at each streetcar stop will take approximately four days to complete.

Queen and Triller – westbound streetcar stop – works starts on June 5.
Queen and Dunn – eastbound streetcar stop – work starts soon after Triller is completed.
Queen and Dufferin* – eastbound streetcar stop – work starts soon after Dunn is completed.

This work is being planned while the 501/301 Queen route is operated with buses. Queen bus service will be maintained through each work zone.

If you have any questions you can contact our office at this email address or Diego Sinagoga, Senior Community Liaison, 416-393-2197;

West End Food Co-op Board Election

The West End Food Co-op (WEFC) is seeking nominations for several seats on their Board. If you are interested in running for a position of the Board  in one of the 4 categories (consumer, producer, community partner or work member) contact the WEFC soon. The election will be held at the June 28th Annual General Meeting.  Any questions or more information can be directed to the committee at

Please share this call out with your neighbours.

Roncesvalles-Macdonell Residents Assoc. meeting – May 30

The Roncesvalles-Macdonell Residents Association (RMRA), is in jeopardy of discontinuing and are asking for your help to save their community organization.

Please make an effort to come out and get involved in rejuvenating this local residents association. The survival of this important community organization depends on it.

Date: Tuesday, May 30th
Time: 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
Place: 128 Fern Ave. – (gymnasium at Fern Public School)

King Street TTC Pilot Study – May 18

We invite you to attend the King Street Pilot Study Public Meeting!

The King Street Pilot Study is about exploring bold, transformative ideas for how to redesign King Street in order to move people on transit more efficiently, improve placemaking and the public realm, and support business and economic prosperity.

At this public meeting, the City will be seeking feedback on a preferred pilot design that has been developed for the corridor.

We encourage you to attend our public meeting to learn more and share your thoughts on the work we’ve done to date on the King Street Pilot Study. For more information on the pilot study, please visit the project website.

Date: Thursday, May 18th
Time: 6:30 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
Place: 225 Front St. W. – (InterContinental Toronto Centre, Ballroom)

Dowling Ave. Cycling Route Consultation – May 17

You are invited to the 2nd Public Open House to discuss the proposed cycling route on Dowling Avenue, between the existing signed cycling route on Sorauren Avenue and the Waterfront Trail.  The objective of this route is to provide residents with easier and safer access to the waterfront by bicycle and create a gateway to greenspace for our Parkdale neighbourhood.

Date: Wednesday, May 17th
Time: 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
Place: 1303 Queen St W. – Parkdale Library (basement)

Parkdale Neighbourhood Land Trust AGM – May 6

Come out to attend the Parkdale Neighbourhood Land Trust (PNLT) 2nd annual member’s meeting.

PNLT is a non-profit organization that seeks to build a just, healthy, and inclusive neighbourhood. The PNLT acquires and manages land under the unique community ownership model of a community Land Trust (CLT), promoting long-term community benefits, affordability, and enabling democratic local planning.

At this event,  members will elect 9 new members of the board of directors, the decision making body of this community controlled organization.

The AGM is an opportunity to participate in the decisions that the PNLT is making on members behalf. To vote at this meeting you must be a member of PNLT – click here to apply.

• Food & Childcare Provided.
• Tibetan interpretation.

Date: Saturday, May 6th
Time: 3:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. (doors open 2:30 p.m.)
Place: 250 Dunn Ave. – Bonar-Parkdale Presbyterian Church