Exhibition Place is probably the safest location in the city for people to use. The wide boulevards, expansive parking lots and green spaces make it the ideal location for citizens to exercise, walk and ride.
Exhibition Place is at the southern doorstep of Parkdale. Over the last number of years, the Parkdale Residents Association along with 11 other area Resident/Community Associations (www.westsidecc.ca) has been pushing the City of Toronto, local Councillors and Exhibition Place to consider area residents in its on-going and future plans.
Finally, in spite of, or because of, the pandemic, opportunities are opening for improved safe and comfortable access to the Exhibition grounds:
• A series of self-guided walks on the grounds of Ex Place.
• A snow management plan for this winter which will include enhanced maintenance of pathways.
• Opening the washrooms at the Horse Palace Building from 8 AM to 5 PM, 7 days a week with regular cleaning and open to the public.
Please take advantage of this great outdoor space and we’ll try to keep you posted of any changes that might occur.