Category Archives: Community

Calling All Volunteers!

It’s time to Spring into Action!

Please join us on Wednesday, March 26th, 7-9 PM at May Robinson Auditorium, 20 West Lodge Ave., for a general meeting of the Parkdale Residents Association where we’ll say goodbye to this brutal winter and Spring Into Action! on our 2014 community-building initiatives.  This meeting will focus on our volunteers, and on the launch of new initiatives identified through a democratic and inclusive process that you will be a part of.

The PRA Executive has some ambitious ideas, but we need the help, energy and direction of volunteers such as you to make them happen.  Here’s what we’re thinking:

  • Parkdale Historical Society launch
  • PRA Summer Event – Music in the Park (June/July)
  • PRA Membership Drive
  • Municipal Election All-Candidates Night (September)
  • Greening Parkdale – Parkdale Tree Canopy Mapping
  • Your community-building idea here!

The March 26th meeting will give everyone who attends an opportunity:

  • to meet your PRA Executive and fellow volunteers
  • to learn more about these initiatives
  • to pitch your own community-building idea for consideration
  • to sign-up to one or more of the volunteer committees, and
  • to participate in a break-out session to start the discussion and planning of your chosen initiative in earnest.

We hope to see you on the 26th.  If you are unable to make the meeting, please feel free to respond to and tell us where your interests lie.  We’ll add you to that volunteer committee and ensure you are included in subsequent communications around that initiative.

Free Improv for Youth – by Lab Cab

Free comedy-improv workshop for youth ages 13 to 18.  Master of improv Bruce Hunter will teach essential techniques and skills that every aspiring improv artist needs to know. The event is at the Parkdale Library during the March break. For more information click here.

Wednesday, March 12th, 2014
3:00 PM – 6:00 PM

1303 Queen St. West (Parkdale Library)

Replace the OMB with Local Appeal Board?

City of Toronto has the power to establish a Local Appeal Body (LAB) to hear appeals of Committee of Adjustment decisions (both minor variances and consents). The City Planning division is launching “Made-for-Toronto Local Appeal Body” public consultations around the city with the express purpose of initiating and facilitating public dialogue around this matter.

You are invited to get involved and share your views and opinions. For more info click here.

Monday, March 17, 2014
6:45 PM to 9:00 PM

Metro Hall, 55 John Street, Rooms 308 & 309

King-Dufferin Park Improvements

You are invited to a community meeting with City Parks staff to discuss the expansion of the King-Dufferin Park (248/250 Dufferin Street). Join with other community members to voice your vision for the space.

Tuesday, February 18th from 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM
Holy Family School – Library
141 Close Avenue


SeeClickFix  is a web tool and free mobile phone app that allows you to report non-emergency neighbourhood issues and problems to public officials and other engaged citizens. Reported issues are displayed on a web-based map along with tools which allow other citizens to add comments, suggest resolutions, or add video/pictorial documentation.  Anyone can receive email alerts on these issues based on a filter by geographical area and keyword. Kinda like a giant interactive 3-1-1 system.

Here are links to Toronto and Parkdale areas of SeeClickFix.

Ontario Place Revitalization

The Province is planning to create a 7.5-acre urban park that would be developed on the east island of the Ontario Place lands. LANDinc and West 8 have been selected to design the urban park that will form part of Ontario Place’s redesign.

There are four public consultations, where you will be able to participate in and contribute to the development plans. The first was held December 4 at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre. If you’re unable to make it to the meetings, you are still able to provide input and learn about the project in greater detail online – My Ontario Place. There is a feedback survey to fill out by December 18th at
Also, check out Waterfront Toronto for more information.

The improved waterfront is planned to be completed for the 2015 Pan-Am Games.