Category Archives: Community

Exhibition Place Meeting – Thursday, June 19th

Invitation to attend an Exhibition Place Liaison Committee Meeting to hear community views. AGENDA:

  • BMO Field Expansion – Update
  • BMO Field Season – Update
  • Scotia CHIN Picnic
  • CNE Association
  • Honda Indy
  • Scotiabank Caribbean Festival
  • CEO/Exhibition Place – Updates
  • Other Business (community concerns)


  • Loss of public parkland to MUZIK Nightclub
  • MUZIK Nightclub fencing in public art
  • Public drinking water fountains (none working)
  • Archeological dig in Bandshell Park area
  • Baseball diamond no community access

Please join local residents for this public meeting on
Thursday, June 19th from 6:30-8:00 pm,
FOUNTAINBLU (formerly Fountain Dining Room)
Queen Elizabeth Building – Exhibition Place
RSVP to 416-263-3618 (or just show up)

Plant Fair

The Horticultural Societies of Parkdale and Toronto are holding their annual Plant Fair event.
For beginning and sophisticated gardeners: choice plants, the “Green Elephant” sale, herbs and hard-to-get perennials from select GTA nurseries and member’s own gardens—all at the best prices in town! Bring your questions, they’ll have the experts!
Volunteers are needed –,

Saturday, May 31st, 2014
10: 30 AM – 1:30 PM

Parkdale Public School and Community Centre
78 Seaforth Avenue (in the gyms)

Get a Free Tree!

Urban Forestry Services plants trees on City owned street allowances fronting residential properties for free.  Periodically, Urban Forestry Services will canvass neighbourhoods for tree planting opportunities.

To order your free tree click here to download their residential street tree planting brochure or call 311


Contact LEAF (Local Enhancement and Appreciation of Forests) which is a local non-profit group dedicated to improving Toronto’s urban forest.  They offer Toronto residents subsidized backyard tree planting.

The service includes on-site advice on appropriate species and planting location, a 1.2 to 1.8m tall native tree, and the planting service.  Native shrubs are also available.

Contact LEAF at 416-413-9244 or on the web click here.

Police Week Open House 11 Division

Police Week open house will be held on Saturday, May 10th, 2014 from 10:00 PM – 2:00 PM in the visitors’ parking lot and the front lobby of the station. Station tours will be available throughout the day.

11 Division
2054 Davenport Road (at Osler Street)

Some of the units and friends of 11 Division that will be present at the event include:
•    BBQ by the Police Community Partnership of 11 and 12 Division with live music
•    Police Dog Services
•    Marine Unit
•    Mounted Unit
•    Traffic Services
•    Emergency Task Force
•    Court Services
•    St. John’s Ambulance Therapy dogs
•    Crime Stoppers
•    Mothers Against Drunk Drivers (MADD)
•    Canadian Automobile Association (CAA)
•    Terradyne Armored Vehicles Inc.

Parkdale Historical Society

The Parkdale Residents Association has established an historical committee, Parkdale Historical Society, to delve more deeply into the history of Parkdale and relationship to the present.

Recently UofT students from the history department taking a course titled ‘Hacking History’ completed a website for the PRA and the newly formed Parkdale Historical Society. Stay tuned for the launch of the new website delving into our local history.

Over the coming months we hope to draw on the residents of Parkdale and beyond to bring the Parkdale Historical Society into the public realm.


Tenant Townhall

Know your rights as a tenant. If you have any questions or concerns regarding your rights as a tenant come to this meeting being held on:

Wednesday, April 16th, 2014
6:30 PM – 8:00 PM

1303 Queen St W (Basement Auditorium)

City Councillor Gord Perks has organized this Tenant Townhall with City Staff, the Federation of Metro Tenants Association, Parkdale Legal Community Services, Parkdale Residents Association, MPP Cheri Dinovo and MP Peggy Nash.

Community Cleanup Day – Let’s Clean Parkdale Together

On Saturday April 26 (or Sunday April 27) join thousands of fellow Toronto residents for some spring cleaning as part of the City’s “Clean Toronto Together 2014” initiative.

The Parkdale Residents Association will be sponsoring local clean-up crews. Become a street captain and get others involved!

Participating is easy…

1. Find a local block, street, park, laneway or other space in Parkdale that needs some cleaning attention and adopt it!

2. Invite your family, friends and neighbours to help out.

3. Register your event below. The PRA will provide a cleaning kit and even deliver coffee!

4. Spend some enjoyable time in the fresh air helping to beautify your adopted space.

5. Send us a photo of your group so we can post your good work in this space.

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