Category Archives: Community

CNE Traffic & Parking Meeting – Oct. 25

The Community Meeting is to review traffic and parking issues in South Parkdale during the annual ‘The EX’ event.

The meeting will be an opportunity to review the South Parkdale Working Group proposals implemented this year to lessen the impact of vehicle pressures in South Parkdale during ‘The EX’. It will also provide a forum to discuss further actions that can be implemented in upcoming years to alleviate vehicle congestion/issues.

City Transportation and Licensing staff, along with Toronto Parking Enforcement and Toronto Police Services have been invited to attend.

Date: Tuesday, October 25th
Time: 7:00 p.m. – 8:30 pm
Place: 171 Dunn Ave. (Parkdale United Church Hall
– Basement)

Liberty Village New Street Meeting – Oct. 18

City Planing staff will be hosting a public meeting to discuss the Liberty New Street and various other city-building initiatives happening in Liberty Village.

On June 7, 2016, Toronto City Council approved the Environmental Assessment for the Liberty Village New Street. This street will be a two-lane street with a separate pedestrian and cycling path connecting Strachan Avenue to Dufferin Street along the south side of Liberty Village. City Council has directed City Planning staff to add this new public street to the City’s Official Plan.

From 7:00 pm til 8:00 pm will be talking about the new street, how it can benefit the transportation network within Liberty Village, and the next steps and challenges involved in its construction.

Liberty Village Planning Update (8:00pm – 9:00pm) – City Planning and other staff have been working on a number of other initiatives in Liberty Village related to parks and public spaces and heritage preservation. From 8:00 pm to 9:00 pm City Planning staff will provide an overview of this work and answer questions about the City’s Planning objectives for the future of Liberty Village.

Date: Tuesday, October 18th
Time: 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 pm
Place: 150 East Liberty Street – Party Room

Federal Electoral Reform Town Hall – Oct. 11

MP Arif Virani and MP Mark Holland are holding a town hall  meeting to get your ideas about Electoral Reforms in our Federal Government.
 Explore the principles and values that shape our democracy, learn more about the different electoral systems, and discuss the ways we can participate in voting.  This is an opportunity for community members to discuss and share their views on electoral reform with each other and the government.

Register at:

Date: Tuesday, October 11th
Time: 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 pm
Place: 1515 Bloor Street West, Auditorium Bishop Marrocco/Thomas Merton Catholic School

Exhibition Place (CNE grounds) Community Meeting – June 27th

The Parkdale Residents Association (PRA) is very concerned about what is happening at the South end of Parkdale.

Exhibition Place (EP) is a City-owned regional amenity of extremely high public value, comprised of 192-acres in the core of one of North America’s largest cities. As Toronto’s population continues to grow and the City becomes increasingly developed, Exhibition Place has the unparalleled potential to offer the residents of Parkdale, Liberty Village and all Toronto access to much-needed open green space.

But this potential is under threat. Recent events indicate that, under the problematic direction of the Exhibition Place Board of Governors, the City is in grave danger of losing much of this valuable open green space amenity for future generations.

The case of MUZIK is a particularly egregious case-in point. Unbelievably, the Board has proposed an Official Plan Amendment (OPA) that would extend the lease period of MUZIK beyond the current 21-year limit to allow the lease to extend to 2034 (!). The proposed means of extending the lease period is to *change the designation of the lands in the Westerly portion of Exhibition Place from ‘park/open space’ to ‘rejuvenation area’*—in other words, *to remove public open space in order that private businesses may benefit from public assets indefinitely into the future*.

Attend the once annual Exhibition Place Community Liaison Committee Meeting to have your interests and opinions heard.

Date: Monday, June 27th
Time: 6:30 p.m. – 7:30 pm
Place: FountainBlu – Queen Elizabeth Building, Exhibition Place

West Queen West Street & Heritage Study – June 23rd

WQW Study

The West Queen West Planning Study is underway. City Planning staff are reviewing the policy context, built-form and heritage value of the properties on Queen Street West between Bathurst Street and Roncesvalles Avenue.

The Planning Study involves public consultations to clarify what defines the street character and to develop a community vision for the future. Transit capacity and parking supply are also being reviewed.

The City staff will be available if you would like to ask questions. They also want to hear your ideas, input, and comments on these matters.

The evening will begin with an Open House from 6:30-7:00pm, followed by an update by City Staff on the WQW Planning Study. FGMDA Architects, will then give a presentation followed by a discussion facilitated by the project team.

Here is  a link to the PRA study done in 2015 re West Queen West Planning Study.

Date: Thursday, June 23rd
Time: 6:30 p.m. – Open House,
7:00 p.m. – Presentation and Facilitated Discussion
Place: 1115 Queen St W. – The Theatre Centre

Public Meeting 6 Noble St. Development – June 20th


The developer of 6 Noble Street, 6 Noble Street Developments Inc., will be holding a pre-application meeting to discuss its proposed plans for this site.

The developer is proposing a 14 storey residential rental condominium containing 178 units. Further details will be available at the community meeting.

Councillor Perks and City Planning staff will be in attendance.

If you are unable to attend the meeting and are interested in providing comment and/or receiving more detailed information, please email Councillor Gord Perks office at

Please pass on this information to your neighbours.

Date: Monday, June 20th
Time: 6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.
Place: 1303 Queen St W. – Parkdale Library (basement auditorium)

West-End YIMBY Event – May 22

west-end-yimby-v2-02 (3)

The West-End YIMBY (Yes in My Backyard) Festival at the Gladstone Hotel is an event for people and groups involved – or looking to become involved – in grassroots, locally driven community development in West-End Toronto. It’s a social space for people and groups to gather, exchange ideas, and establish connections to effect change and strengthen their networks.

Typically a citywide event, for this edition of the festival, the Gladstone Hotel has teamed up with Shape My City to create a local version in West-End Toronto. They are bringing together a range of socially-engaged local organizations to foster a neighbourhood network committed to affecting positive change and building community. 

The West-End YIMBY is a place to learn about the organizations building community in our neighbourhood, and find out how you can get involved. Come find out what your neighbourhood is up to!

Drop by the Parkdale Residents Association table.

Date: Sunday, May  22nd
Time: 11:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.
Place: 1214 Queen St. W. – Gladstone Hotel

Ward 14 Environment Day – Apr. 23

Enviro Day

Ward 14 Environment Day is on Saturday, April 23rd from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm.

Come out to Sorauren Park along Wabash Ave south of Dundas St W and join in to Reuse, Recycle, and Safely Dispose!

Bring your used or unwanted electronics, household hazardous waste, fluorescent bulbs, unused medications, batteries, propane tanks, and oils to be safely removed.

Please do not bring: construction waste, gasoline, garbage, wood, cassette and videotapes, commercial/industrial hazardous waste and scrap metal.

If you require a replacement Green Bin to last until the arrival of the forthcoming new bins can exchange theirs for a reconditioned replacement.

Donate to schools for reuse:
*    Yarn, knitting needles, sewing notions, buttons and keys
*    Children’s books, musical instruments
*    CD’s, CD cases, 35 mm cameras
*    Costume jewellery including broken, old watches
*    Arts and crafts supplies (pencils, crayons, markers, etc.)
*    Corks, cork boards, clipboards
*    Dress up clothing (costumes, prom dresses, uniforms, etc.)

Donate for reuse:
*    Sporting goods (skates, hockey equipment, bikes, rackets, etc.)
*    Books (excluding school/university curriculum books)
*    Eyeglasses, walking aids, hearing aids, etc.
*    Small household items (dishes, ornaments, kitchen utensils, artistic drawings, games, etc.)
*    Textiles in good condition (clothing, linens, etc.)
*    Non-perishable foods will be donated to a food bank

All donated items must be in very good condition.

Leaf compost (limited to one cubic metre per household) is available for pickup as well, while supplies last.

In addition to the above available compost, Councillor Perks has arranged for three (3) additional compost drop locations:

*    April 28th – Masaryk Cowan Community Centre; 220 Cowan Ave at 3:00 pm
*    May 14th – Indian Road Crescent Public School parking lot at 8:00 am
*    May 14th – The corner of MacDonnell Ave and Wabash Ave at 10:00 am