Category Archives: Community

Parkdale’s Intensification – What to Conserve? – Apr. 24

Can History tells us What To Conserve During Parkdale’s Intensification?

The Sunnyside Historical Society is hosting a community meeting.

Find out:
•  Why is Queen Street West so important?
•  What created our side street pattern?
•  Why are there FIVE Architectural eras?
•  Why is Parkdale the Gateway for new Canadians?
•  Must intensification start by replacing heritage?!

Open Discussion Period.

Date: Tuesday, April 24th, 2018
Time: 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
Place: 1303 Queen St. W., (Parkdale Library auditorium)

Environment Day (Reuse/Recycle/Dispose) – Apr. 28

Bring used or unwanted household items to the Community Environment Day event at Sorauren Park (along Wabash Ave.) South of Dundas St. W.

Pickup free compost, Kitchen Container ($5 each)

Donate School materials, Sporting goods, Books, Eyeglasses, Small household items, Textiles in good condition and Non-perishable foods.

Click HERE for more details.

Date: Saturday, April 28th, 2018
Time: 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Place: 289 Sorauren Ave. (Sorauren Park)

Laneway Suites Review Consultation – Mar. 29


“Changing Lanes” is a City of Toronto initiative studying how the City might allow and regulate laneway suites on the numerous laneways within the Toronto and East York District of the City.

The purpose of this community meeting is to present a set of draft policy changes and regulations to allow the construction of laneway suites in the back yard of low-rise residential properties in the neighbourhoods in the Toronto and East York District. The City is seeking your feedback before they are considered by City Council.

The meeting will include both a presentation and an open house where comments and questions can be directed to City staff.

Date: Thurs., March 29th, 2018
Time: 6:30 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
Place: 222 Bremner Blvd. Room 203 (Metro Toronto Convention Centre)

Earth Hour Candlelight Walk – Mar. 24

TWO VILLAGES MEET – Parkdale Village and Roncesvalles Village

Annual Candlelight Walk in support of Climate Action. Show how we come together and help each other cope with blackouts and extreme weather.

GATHER 8:15  WALK 8:30

PARKDALE START: Parkdale Library – Queen and Cowan

RONCESVALLES START: Peace Garden – Roncesvalles and Dundas

END: Queensway Intersection – Queen/King/Roncesvalles



Affordable Housing Options Info Session by PRA & PNLT – Mar. 14

Options for new affordable housing in Parkdale

Please join us for a Panel Discussion on the options for creating new affordable housing in Parkdale.

Toronto is experiencing a housing affordability crisis. Rents are skyrocketing, pricing low and middle income people our of their communities, while home-ownership is increasingly unattainable for the majority of Torontonians.

In Parkdale and beyond residents have demanded “affordable housing now!” This begs the question what options do we have for creating more affordable housing in Parkdale?

Panelists will provide an introduction to the opportunities and challenges of some of these options including: Cooperative Housing, Affordable Home Ownership, inclusionary zoning, non-profit rental housing and Community Land Trusts.
We will also discuss possible solutions.

Mercedes Sharp – Parkdale People’s Economy – What is affordable?
Anjala Kulasegaram – Cooperative Housing Federation of Toronto
ArtScape – Affordable Housing Ownership For Artists
Cheri DiNovo – Inclusionary Zoning – How will it create affordable housing for Parkdale

This information session is jointly presented by the Parkdale Neighbourhood Land Trust. You can register HERE.
Date: Wed., March 14th, 2018
Time: 6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.
Place: 20 West Lodge Avenue, May Robinson Auditorium

Free 2017 Tax Clinic – Mar. 3, 17 & Apr. 7

MP Arif Virani is hosting three FREE tax clinics for residents of Parkdale-High Park area to have their taxes done  for the 2017 year.

Who qualifies to have their taxes prepared?

  • Singles with incomes below $30,000
  • Couples with incomes below $40,000
  • Adults with a dependent $35,000 (with $2,500 added for each additional dependent)

Clinic #1:
Date: Saturday, March 3
Time: 9am-4pm
Location: Cooper Mills gym, 4020 Dundas West

Clinic #2:
Date: Saturday, March 17
Time: 9am-4pm
Location: 245 Dunn Ave Recreation Room

Clinic #3:
Date: Saturday, April 7
Time: 9am-4pm
Location: 100 High Park Recreation Room

If you would like to know if you qualify for these services, please contact MP Arif Virani office, 416-769-5072, to book an appointment. *For the 2017 tax year*


SmartTrack & GO Stations project update – March 1

SmartTrack & GO Stations project update and to share your feedback.

Cycle TO have been working with stakeholders to push for a bridge to Liberty Village and expanding Railpath up to St. Clair Smart Track Station. As well they have been working with other community groups to have a multi-use trail run along the Barrie line from Railpath at Dundas up to Earlscourt Park connecting in the middle with the new GO Station at Bloor/Lansdowne. This public meeting will cover a lot and not in great detail but if you go stand up and say you support the above initiatives.

Date: Thursday, March 1, 2018
Time: 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm
Place: 1573 Bloor St. W. (Lithuanian House)

Town Hall on Women’s Empowerment and Gender Equality – Feb. 21

Join MP Arif Virani and a panel of women leaders from the community to discuss issues relating to women’s empowerment and gender equality.

Speakers are:
Heather Gamble, Co-Founder of Women on the Move
Lindsay Maskell, Strategist and Consultant in the Public Affairs, Crisis Management, Government Relations and Advocacy fields
Rev. Anne Hines, Minister at the Roncesvalles United Church
Huda Bukhari, Executive Director at the Arab Community Centre of Toronto
Chemi Lhamo, University of Toronto SCSU’s Racialized Students’ Collective Coordinator
Avon Harris, Community and Outreach Manager at The Redwood

Featuring special guest and Parkdale-High Park Canada 150 Change Maker Award Recipient Scout Collins!

Register HERE

Date: Wednesday, Feb. 21, 2018
Time: 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Place: 1515 Bloor St. W. (Bishop Marrocco/Thomas Merton CSS)