All posts by Ric Amis

Don’t Blow This New Opportunity at Ontario Place

Ontario Place for All says the Ontario Government now has a chance to fix its mistake and start over with its plans to spoil the iconic park on Toronto’s waterfront. Ontario Place for All says the process for selecting the winning redevelopment proposal has been delayed, and the government should use the opportunity to rethink its approach to the idea.

To assist in the rethink, Ontario Place for All today released a framework for a reimagined Ontario Place, produced in conjunction with the International parks’ experts, HR&A Associates. Ontario Place, The Value of Toronto’s Public Space proves the government’s focus on the private sector redevelopment of Ontario Place delivers only short-term profits at the cost of longer-term benefits.

Toronto has benefitted from a new vision for the City’s waterfront that used existing heritage landscapes, prioritized the public nature of the spaces, and accommodated a wide mix of activities and diverse communities.

Ontario Place for All is calling on the government to use the report as a foundation for a new vision for Ontario Place, one that respects the heritage and cultural history of the site.

Ward 4 Community Meeting 2020 City Budget – Feb. 3

Join Councillor Perks for a meeting to discuss the City of Toronto’s 2020 budget and to hear about local community priorities for the year. Councillor Perks will be joined by local community stakeholders who will be sharing their thoughts on how the City’s budget and investments impact the ward.

This will be an opportunity to learn more about:
•  The City’s revenue sources
•  Programs and services the City delivers
•  What projects you can expect to see over the next year

For more information about the event, visit

More information on the City of Toronto’s 2020 Budget Process and how to get involved is available online:

If you have any questions, please contact the Office of Councillor Perks by email at or by phone at 416-392-7919.

Date: Monday, February 3rd, 2020
Time: 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Place: 1515 Bloor St. W. – Bishop Marrocco/Thomas Merton School – 3rd Floor Staff Room  *An accessible entrance is available on the south side of the building on Dundas St. W.


Growing The Future – Cooking Techniques for Ages 8-12

Greenest City is excited to announce their first session of Growing The Future after school program for 2020!

Growing The Future is a free after school program that teaches children ages 8-12 about cooking techniques, reading recipes, nutrition concepts and how food and the environment are connected. The program is ten weeks long, starting on January 29th.

Space is limited – please email for information about enrolling.

Former Cadillac Lounge Site Redevelopment – Jan. 23

The proposal is to construct a 7-storey mixed-use building at 1296-1314 Queen Street West (includes the former Cadillac Lounge, former Club OVs, as well as Copenhagen Cafe & GUU Izakaya) with hotel suites, event space, and retail space, as well as townhouses on Noble Street. The redevelopment would also include underground parking, bicycle parking, and improvements to the public realm.

There will be a short presentation at 7:00 pm by the developers project team members who will be available to hear your comments and answer questions throughout the evening. Councillor Perks and City Planning Staff will be in attendance.

Date: Thursday, Jan. 23, 2020
Time: 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm (Presentation at 7:00 pm followed by Q&A)
Place: 1303 Queen Street West – The Parkdale Library Auditorium

The Future of Exhibition Place – Jan. 13

Come SEE the Future possibilities of Exhibition Place – view the emerging Master Plan strategies.

Exhibition Place is in OUR backyard – for some it is their backyard (local park and green space).

Twelve local residents’ groups from the area have put in hundreds of volunteers hours in public meetings, working groups, written reports and held community meetings regarding what happens to this PUBLICLY OWNED LAND. Here is what the PRA and West Side Community Council (WSCC) have to SAY.

To view and comment on the Exhibition Place Master Plan come to this public meeting. Check out the City’s information.

Date: Monday, January 13th, 2020
Time: Doors Open at 6:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Place: 105 Princes’ Boulevard – Room 201ABC (Beanfield Centre – elevator available at North Entrance)

Happy Holiday Parkdalians!

We encourage you to give back to the community in any way that you can – whether it is donating non-perishable goods, volunteering in the community, or doing a good deed.

Here are just three suggestions of local groups doing good things: Parkdale Neighbourhood Land Trust, Parkdale Project Reads and Parkdale Activity Recreation Centre.

The Executive from your Parkdale Residents Association wish you and your loved ones a safe and happy holiday season.

If you are passionate about your community – JOIN the PRA Executive. Here are some of the things the PRA is currently involved in: Parkdale Hub Project, West Queen West Area Study (Bathurst to Roncy), Parkdale Heritage District Study, Exhibition Place Master Plan, Ontario Place, greening Parkdale, affordable housing.

Very best wishes to ALL Parkdalians!!

Parkdale Community Hub Project – Dec. 11

Parkdale Hub project (at Queen & Cowan intersection) – a City of Toronto study that is exploring opportunities to enhance spaces for program delivery and affordable housing in the Parkdale community.

On December 11, 2019, Toronto City Council’s Executive Committee will consider a report from City staff on the Parkdale Hub project. This report provides an overview of the findings from the Feasibility Study that has been underway since 2017. It also recommends next steps for moving the project forward. The report is now available to review on the City’s website, through the following link:

If you would like to comment or speak on the Feasibility Study please contact the City Clerk through a link on the agenda item EX11.6.

Waterfront for All AGM – Nov. 27

It’s time to look to the future of our waterfront together, to continue to define it as a place to live, work and play. Join Waterfront for All at their AGM November 27th to learn how you can get involved to help shape our waterfront as a clean, green, accessible waterfront for all!

In conjunction with its AGM, Waterfront for All is pleased to present two speakers: Chris Glaisek, Chief Planning & Design Officer, Waterfront Toronto and Nancy Gaffney, Waterfront Specialist, Toronto and Region Conservation Authority. Glaisek will guide us to: “The Future of Waterfront Revitalization: Aspirational Projects.” Gaffney will share exciting updates on the Scarborough Waterfront Project. These speakers will present their ideas and answer your questions.

Waterfront for All members will also elect a new Board of Directors for 2020.

Register at:

Date: Wednesday, Nov. 27th, 2019
Time: 6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.
Place: 55 John Street, Room 310 (Metro Hall)