All posts by Ric Amis

Ontario Place SAVED!

Ontario Place for All (OP4All) wants to thank all its members and supporters for the important victory they won yesterday – the Ontario government’s announcement that there is not going to be any wholesale destruction of Ontario Place.

Thousands of you joined OP4All in demanding the government preserve Ontario Place’s unique heritage landscape, including the Cinesphere, the Pods, Trillium Park and the William G. Davis Trail.

The Ontario government needs to recognize that Ontario Place is an essential public space and that there needs to be meaningful public engagement in determining its future. Read more HERE.

The Parkdale Residents Association is proud to be a member supporter of OP4All.

Greenest City is busy this Winter

Growing the Future is a weekly cooking class for kids. Traditionally, they’ve done the class in person in their community kitchen at 201 Cowan Ave – of course, they can’t do in-person classes at the moment, or for the foreseeable future – so they’re moving online.

If you would like to know more about the classes or sign up for one of the four sessions, CLICK HERE!

Soup & Stories is a program dedicated to featuring the creative culinary creation of local community member guest chefs and sharing their talents and delicious soups with folks who are craving soup and missing neighbourhood dinner with friends.

Every two weeks, they’ll have a different Guest Chef making a huge batch of soup. They’ll send out an Eventbrite like THIS ONE where you can signup for a FREE soup and get the link for a Zoom meeting the following day.

How to Start a Community Garden – come learn about the process of starting a community garden and how to get involved.

Join in for a workshop they are co-presenting with FoodShare Toronto about how to start a community garden. There are a few different approaches that a community can take to start a garden, learn about them here and get scheming for spring 2021! RSVP to

West End Winter Market at 23 Noble St.

The West End Winter Market start tomorrow and will be hosted on private property at 23 Noble St. (rear of Club OV’s), following all social distancing regulations. The event was reviewed by the City’s special event division in taking all COVID-19 precautions; so all you’ll have to worry about is dressing warm and reserving a spot.

The Maze
Travel through their Christmas tree maze and experience all of your sharable moments and activities, all designed to stoke the flames of your holiday spirit.

Come Hungry
Book a reservation at their socially distanced food-court and safely dine from a selection of Toronto’s finest vendors of the sweet and savoury. From hot chocolate for the kids to mulled wine for the adults, there’s something for everyone.

Put your marshmallow roasting skills to the test with their s’mores fire and enjoy the sights and smells of a Christmas forest.

Click HERE for more information and to make a reservation.

Exhibition Place Winter Opening to Local Residents

Exhibition Place is probably the safest location in the city for people to use. The wide boulevards, expansive parking lots and green spaces make it the ideal location for citizens to exercise, walk and ride.

Exhibition Place is at the southern doorstep of Parkdale. Over the last number of years, the Parkdale Residents Association along with 11 other area Resident/Community Associations ( has been pushing the City of Toronto, local Councillors and Exhibition Place to consider area residents in its on-going and future plans.

Finally, in spite of, or because of, the pandemic, opportunities are opening for improved safe and comfortable access to the Exhibition grounds:

•  A series of self-guided walks on the grounds of Ex Place.
•  A snow management plan for this winter which will include enhanced maintenance of pathways.
•  Opening the washrooms at the Horse Palace Building from 8 AM to 5 PM, 7 days a week with regular cleaning and open to the public.

Please take advantage of this great outdoor space and we’ll try to keep you posted of any changes that might occur.

Close Avenue Parkette Community Meeting – Nov. 5

The City will be hosting a virtual community meeting to discuss planned park improvements to Close Avenue Parkette (located at King St W and Close Ave). This meeting is an opportunity to hear about potential design proposals and for the community to provide feedback on what improvements they would most like to see in the park. The current plan involves upgrading playground equipment, converting the existing wading pool into a splash pad and other park improvements.
Please register in advance to receive the instructions for joining the meeting.
Thursday, November 5th – 6:30 -8:00 pm

Above the Guideline Rent Increases Workshop for Tenants

Toronto ACORN is hosting a tenant rights workshop for any tenant interested in learning about above the guideline rent increase. The workshop is happening on Thursday, October 22 at 6 PM.
The workshop will cover details related to above the guideline rent increases, what they mean for tenants and different resources to help. They will also have time for questions and will have a discussion after each section.
If there is anyone who may be interested in the workshop there is an event posting on Facebook:
Those who are interested can RSVP by emailing or by calling 416 461 9233

Parkdale Activity Recreation Centre (PARC) 40 Years in Parkdale!

PARC at 1499 Queen West is celebrating forty years in Parkdale working with the community on issues of poverty and mental health. Their members also struggle with homelessness and food insecurity. PARC has recently made major housing investments and during COVID, in particular, has served hundreds of meals to people who needed them and is open 7 days a week.
As they continue this work and begin to consider their next 5-year Strategic Plan, they are looking for community members interested in volunteering for PARC committees and/or the Board of Directors.
To express your interest and for more information please contact the PARC Nominations Committee, c/o


Update on Development Proposals in Parkdale

We now have an overabundance of development proposals happening along Queen St. W. in Parkdale. All but two are exceeding the 20m-height limit (6-storeys) of the proposed OPA #445 that was recommended at TEYCC in March of this year.

Seven years have been spent working on a West Queen West Area Study and Heritage Conservation Districts studies by two local BIAs, seven local Community Associations, property owners, retailers and hundreds of area residents – not to mention all the City staff and Councillors time. When is the Official Plan Amendment (OPA) #445 going to be approved?

The whole idea back in 2014 of an Area Study (& HCDs) was to get all the work required done ahead of the developments along Queen St. W. that had stalled at Dufferin Street.

It is time to stop tinkering and being sidetracked. Unfinished work serves no one.

The following development plans have started since the HCD’s were drafted and are now awaiting City Council approval. These developers are aware of all this public effort and are discounting it. You can click on this link and type in the address to review each application in detail –

  1. 1266 Queen St. W. & Noble – additional 2-storeys on top of existing 2-storeys [in Parkdale HCD]
  2. 1296-1314 Queen St. W. – the Parkdale Hotel north of Rhino Tavern (7-storeys + townhouses on Noble) [in Parkdale HCD]
  3. 1360 Queen St. W. & Brock – commercial + 117 resident units (9-storeys) [in Parkdale HCD]
  4. 1375 Queen St W. & Close – On a vacant lot, commercial + 46 residential units, no parking (8-storeys) [in Parkdale HCD]
  5. 1437 Queen St W. – demolition requested – interesting house just south-west of Lansdowne [not in Parkdale HCD]
  6. 1488 Queen St. W. & Macdonell – currently Guardian Drugs, commercial + 29 residential units, 3 parking spaces (6-storeys) [in Parkdale HCD]
  7. 1521 Queen St W. & Callender – currently Queen Hotel, commercial + 78 residential units, no parking (8-storeys) [not in Parkdale HCD.

Ask your City Councillor Gord Perks to PASS these HCDs and SSAPs ASAP (@GordPerks or

Help Shape the New Wabash Community Rec Centre – Sept. 22 & 28

The City of Toronto is building a new community recreation centre at the south-east corner of Sorauren Park that will include an indoor pool, a gymnasium, and flexible multi-purpose program spaces. This project builds on over 20 years of work by both City staff and the local community. We are now in our next phase of community engagement and need your feedback to make sure everything is moving in the right direction. This phase of engagement will look different than in the past. As we follow guidelines around COVID-19, there will be hosted online meetings, and collecting feedback through online surveys, and by telephone and mail.

Have questions about the project?
Join the Virtual Townhall online or by phone (no registration required):
Date: Tuesday, Sept. 22nd, 2020
7:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
Place:  Webex Event:

OR dial: 416-216-5643 Meeting #: 132 257 8032 – To ask a question, press *3

Virtual Small Group Discussions
Date: Monday, Sept. 28th, 2020
6:00 – 6:45 pm, 7:00 – 7:45 pm, or 8:00 – 8:45 pm
Place: Register at or at 416-642-66053

Online: Between September 14th to October 5th
Visit the project web page at to learn more, fill out an online survey, and sign up for e-updates.