Own Property in Parkdale: Cooperative Purchasing – Nov. 25

CoopPurchasingCooperative Purchasing is another way to own property in Toronto that provides security, affordability and adaptability as you work with others who have the same goals.

Join an interactive discussion on Cooperative Purchasing with a panel of experts on the subject, including a mortgage broker, a real estate lawyer and home owners who have purchased cooperatively.

This event will appeal to a wide range of people including those considering a first home purchase, those involved and interested in the sharing economy, individuals and families looking to downsize. and Torontonians concerned about the growing cost of home ownership.

Organized by Lesli Gaynor, local real estate agent and entrepreneur (Mitzi’s Sister).

Date: Wednesday, November 25th
Time: 7:30 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
Place: 1108 Queen St. West  – Bosley Real Estate

RSVP by November 23

Nutcracker by Parkdale’s Pia Bouman’s School of Ballet – Dec. 17/18/19/20


Pia Bouman’s School of Ballet and Creative Movement will host Toronto’s longest standing performance of the Nutcracker – 30th Anniversary. This massive community production comes together with nearly 100 children dancers and 80 local volunteers. For three decades, it has been a beloved tradition and festive celebration for the Parkdale community.


  • December 17 at 7:30 PM
  • December 18 at 7:30 PM
  • December 19 at 2:00 PM
  • December 20 at 2:00 PM


  • Lismer Hall, Humberside Collegiate Institute, 280 Quebec Avenue

CLICK HERE for tickets to Nutcracker 2015

Visions to Actions: Community Wealth Building in Parkdale – Nov. 23/26/28

From Visions To ActionsThe next round of participatory planning workshops for Parkdale Community Economic Development planning project (PCED) has been scheduled as follows.:

Choose a date most convenient for you.

  • November 23 Monday 6:00-8:30 PM at Bonar Parkdale (250 Dunn Ave.)
  • November 26 Thursday 2:00-4:30 PM at Bonar Parkdale (250 Dunn Ave.)
  • November 28 Saturday 1:30-4:00 PM at Parkdale Public Library Auditorium

This workshop is going to build on previous discussions on Parkdale Wellbeing Indicators and/or Community Needs and Assets Mapping. This is the last stage of community engagement process for the phase 1 of community-based research.

In this workshop, first, will discuss what has come up from previous meetings. Building on the priorities, issues, and opportunities that were identified so far. This workshop aims to discuss and identify ways and steps that it will take to move “from visions to actions”. Also talk about a range of areas including housing, work, food, health, cultural development, and local decision making.

Here is a link to more description of the workshop and RSVP.

Roncesvalles Area Planning Study – Nov. 17th

The City is holding a public consultation to discuss  the built form and physical character within the study area and how to approximately accommodate future growth. This includes examining building envelopes, height and massing, heritage assessment and streetscape and landscape improvements. The Study covers the area along Roncesvalles from Queen St. to Dundas St. and includes a portion of Dundas St. to the East of Roncesvalles.

Date: Tuesday, November 17st
Time: 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
Place: 128 Fern Ave. – Fern Avenue Public School


Community Development Meeting for 1182 & 1221 King St. W. – Oct. 29th


A developer, Lifetime Developments, is proposing to develop 2-sites kitty-corner to each other at the intersection of Dufferin Street and King Street West.
The City is holding a Community Consultation meeting where you can learn more about this application, ask questions and share your comments.

The proposed rezoning application is to permit two residential buildings at the intersection of King Street West and Dufferin Street.  The proposed development at 1181 King St. W. is 21-storeys (located on the north east corner site) and at 1221 King St. W. is 19-storeys (located just past the southwest corner – west of BMO bank building).  Both buildings would have commercial uses on the ground floor, 3 levels of underground parking and a total of 749 residential units across both sites.

To speak to the planner directly, contact Elise Hug, at 416-338-2560 or ehug@toronto.ca.  You may also mail your comments to the planner at Toronto and East York District, 100 Queen St W Floor 18 E Toronto On, M5H 2N2.

Questions: what is the current CIty approved height & density, will both sites be developed simultaneously, public parking, open green space, square footage of street level retail shops, Section 37 charges, historic Metallic Roofing Company building, add your own.

Date: Thursday, October 29th
Time: 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
Place: 171 Dunn Avenue – Parkdale United Church (Church Hall)

Parkdale Neighbourhood Land Trust AGM – Oct. 28th

Attend and Vote at PNLT first Annual General Meeting!

Now that we’ve got this Federal election out of the way, its time to come together Parkdale! Help build community power! The Parkdale Neighbourhood Land Trust (PNLT) is a community controlled organization created to preserve and build affordable housing, affordable commercial spaces, and community gardens.

In this community controlled organization WE (the community) get a say. On October 28th, there is a gathering for PNLTs first Annual Members Meeting to elect a representative Board of Directors! Also people will be voting on draft bylaws. Join other residents for this historic moment and be part of local democracy in action!

NOTE: To vote at this meeting you must first become a member of PNLT by registering before October 22nd 2015 and be 18-years of age. . If you have not registered as a member yet please Sign up online here.

Download PNLT’s AGM Invitation & Agenda 

Date: Wednesday, October 28th
Time: 6:30 p.m. (doors open at 6:00 p.m.)
Place: 250 Dunn Avenue – Bonar-Parkdale Presbyterian Church

Crisis at Exhibition Place (CNE grounds)

The Parkdale Residents Association (PRA) is very concerned about what is happening at the South end of Parkdale.

Exhibition Place (EP) is a City-owned regional amenity of extremely high public value, comprised of 192 acres in the core of one of North America’s largest cities. As Toronto’s population continues to grow and the City becomes increasingly developed, Exhibition Place has the unparalleled potential to offer the residents of Toronto access to much-needed open space. Exhibition Place also has the clear potential to become a world-class urban attraction.

But this potential is under threat. Recent events indicate that, under the problematic direction of the Exhibition Place Board of Governors, the City is in grave danger of losing much of this valuable amenity for future generations.

The case of MUZIK is a particularly egregious case-in point. Unbelievably, the Board has proposed an Official Plan Amendment (OPA) that would extend the lease period of MUZIK beyond the current 21-year limit to allow the lease to extend to 2034 (!). The proposed means of extending the lease period is to *change the designation of the lands in the Westerly portion of Exhibition Place from ‘park/open space’ to ‘rejuvenation area’*—in other words, *to remove public open space in order that private businesses may benefit from public assets indefinitely into the future*. In addition, the report makes clear that this OPA is primarily offered on behalf of the owners of MUZIK, a nightclub at which there were recently two murders, which the local Councillors believe is not in the public interest, and which use in no way enhances Exhibition Place or conforms to the sort of uses to which these lands were originally to be put.

To add insult to injury, the report is explicit that taxpayers, as opposed to MUZIK, are to foot the bill for bringing the OPA forward for the benefit of this problematic establishment.

These recommendations represent an outrageous failure of our public officials to act as stewards of the public trust. More generally, the piecemeal apportioning of Exhibition Place lands to the highest bidder, are coming forward without there having been any comprehensive public process aimed at identifying the presently desired uses of this valuable amenity and creating a comprehensive vision for realizing the potential of what could be one of Toronto’s most impressive public amenities. Indeed, we suspect that most Torontonians aren’t even aware that this vast amount of open space is owned by the City.

As a small first step in reclaiming this amazing public amenity for PUBLIC use, the PRA calls for Exhibition Place officials to immediately close down MUZIK, and remove the barriers to the statues and land that should be rightfully enjoyed by the public to whom this land belongs.

The Star recently wrote 2 articles on this topic: Sept. 21st and Sept. 19th.

Sorauren Avenue Park 20th Anniversary Party – Sept. 26th


4:00 p.m. The Monkey Bunch – for kids of all ages!
5:00 p.m. Teen Music Sensations! Up-and-coming talent
6:00 p.m. Square Dancing on the Square. Join in! No experience necessary!
7:00 p.m. Cake Decorating Winners Announced With VIPs
7:20 p.m. Paul James Band – Blues rock extraordinaire
8:20 p.m. Outdoor Movie – 1995 Classic “Jumanji” (PG). Bring your lawn chairs!

Kids Zone Fun 4 – 6 p.m. Great games & activities!

Soccer Skills 4 – 6 p.m. in the park. Footie fun!

Ball Hockey 4 – 7 p.m. on Wabash Ave. (closed). Bring your sticks!

Giant Community Dining Table & Fine Food Vendors 5 – 8 p.m.

History Exhibits Sorauren Stories & Secrets: Past, Present & Future

Celebrity Emcees including Tyler Stewart (Barenaked Ladies), and surprise guests!

Full details at SoraurenPark.com
@Sorauren Park #sp20th

Date: Saturday, September 26th
Time: 4:00 p.m – 10:00 p.m.
Place: Soraurent Park (289 Sorauren Ave. at Wabash Ave.)


Gain Leadership Skills at Scouts (for Girls & Boys Age 5 to 26)

The 3rd Toronto Scout Group has been serving the Parkdale community since 1909 by providing programming for girls and boys from the age of 5 through to 26 yeara old.
The goal of scouting is to create well rounded individuals with diverse interests that can contribute to society; where youth can discover the best in themselves and the best in others. This is achieved through programs that challenge youth to discover and engage in their local community and explore the great Canadian outdoors whilst having lots of fun and making new friends.
By forming the youth into small groups for challenges they gain leaderships skills when training younger youth that can be applied to their future lives.  The well established scouting infrastructure allows a group to introduce youth to the great Canadian outdoors inexpensively through camping and diverse outdoor adventures.
For more information see their website http://3rdtoronto.org/#about or contact by email at 3rdtoronto@gmail.com