Category Archives: Community

Protecting the Character of Queen West

Councillors Perks, Layton and Bailão have initiated a Planning Study along Queen Street West from Bathurst Street to Roncesvalles Avenue.

The Study is being instigated to address community concerns regarding the loss of buildings with heritage attributes, transit capacity, insufficient parking, and protecting the character of the street.

Their letter submitted to City Council is here.

The PRA Executive supports this initiative along with 4 Residents Associations and 3 BIAs from the area effected.

Invitation to the Community Budget Meeting 2014

Councillors Gord Perks and Sarah Doucette invite you to participate in a Ward 14 and 13 roundtable discussion on the 2014 City of Toronto Budget.

Wedensday, December 4th, 7 to 9 PM at Bishop Marrocco/Thomas Merton School
1515 Bloor Street West, 3rd Floor Staff Room.

This event is your opportunity to examine the City Budget with your neighbours to begin a conversation about delivering and funding services with the 2014 City Budget in mind.