All posts by Ric Amis

Why should Parkdale residents care about Sidewalk Labs – Nov. 21

Sidewalk Labs (Google) is planning a new development on Toronto’s eastern waterfront – what they call a “smart” city. This land is under the jurisdiction of Waterfront Toronto.

Why should Parkdale residents care about Google’s downtown Sidewalk Labs project? Join other community members for an information and discussion roundtable about the Sidewalk Labs (Google) “smart city” plan and the needs of our community – Councillor Perks will be there. Sponsored by Good Jobs for All Coalition.

Things to think about:

  • Will Google/Sidewalk Labs actually pay for the project? How much money will be required?
  • Will the “smart city” take resources away from other city priorities like transit and housing?
  • Will the housing created be affordable to the thousands of Torontonians who need housing?
  • What kind of jobs will be created?
  • What kind of surveillance is there in a “smart city”?
  • Who controls the data and for what purpose?
Date: Thursday, Nov. 21st, 2019
Time: 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
Place: 1499 Queen St. West (Parkdale Activity Recreation Centre)

CNE presents Aurora Winter Festival at Ontario Place – Nov. 22 to Jan. 5

CNE presents the Aurora Winter Festival. The festival is an accessible family oriented event with the Canadian National Exhibition (CNE) transforming the Ontario Place West Island into a spectacular celebration of light and adventure. This magical winter wonderland features four distinct mystical worlds for guests to explore, as well as enchanting characters, stunning light installations, fabulous food experiences, marketplaces, amusement rides and more.

Special Discount for You! As a valued neighbour and member of the Parkdale Residents Association, they want to offer you a very exciting discount on 2019 Toronto Aurora Winter Festival tickets!

Receive 15% off of select tickets by visiting the link HERE!

Road Map to Environmental Action in Parkdale-High Park – Nov. 13

Join your elected representatives and environmental community groups in Parkdale-High Park to co-create a climate action plan.

Join your elected representatives from all 3 levels of government (Gord Perks, Bhutila Karpoche & Arif Virani) and various Parkdale-High Park environmental groups. We will ALL work together to design a community action plan to address the climate crisis.

The event is free, but please do RSVP so they can prepare better. Donations at the door appreciated.

Date: Wednesday Nov. 13, 2019
Time: 7: 00 pm – 9:00 pm
Place: 95 Lavinia Avenue – Swansea Town Hall, Rousseau Room

Repair Café at Parkdale Library – Nov. 16

Learn how to fix your broken household items – for free!

They have fixers for computers and electronics, small appliances and furniture, clothing, jewellery, toys, books & paper repair, bikes and more. COST IS FREE!

They are always looking for FIXERS – volunteers who enjoy fixing household items.

Date: Saturday Nov. 16, 2019
Time: 12: 00 pm – 4:00 pm, *visitor registration ends at 3:00 pm
Place: 1303 Queen Street West – The Parkdale Library Auditorium

Let’s Make Sure Ontario Place Really is for ALL

Now is the time to let people of Ontario into the back room!

Ontario Place for All is worried the Ontario government and developers are right now deciding the future of Ontario Place behind closed doors.

 We need to act immediately to challenge this blatant disrespect of our communities. Public consultation is the hallmark of good urban planning and good public policy.

Click HERE to send a letter to Premier Ford and Lisa Macleod, the Minister of Tourism, Culture and Sport, demanding they hold off any decision until all the proposals have been released for public review and consultation.

Let’s overwhelm the Premier with requests!!!

Artists Call for Submissions: Winter Light Exhibition 2020

Calling all Artists – The Winter Light Exhibition at Ontario Place

Ontario Place is seeking the imagination and creativity of Ontarian artists or collectives to submit a proposal for the 2020 Winter Light Exhibition which takes place on the 15-acre West Island. Winter Light invites submissions from Ontario artists or collectives to create site-specific light projects with an interactive component that meet the curatorial theme Cocoon / to Cocoon. Projects must present a unique and engaging interpretation of the curatorial theme ‘Cocoon’ and focus on utilizing both light and user engagement to encourage, stimulate or motivate audience interaction. With a mandate to exhibit great art in a public space and use it as a catalyst for visitor interaction and engagement.

The curatorial theme is Cocoon / to Cocoon. Applicants are challenged to interpret the concept of being ‘Cocooned’ within the exhibit and the exhibition itself.

Evaluations will be made based on artistic merit in line with the curatorial theme, size + footprint of the exhibit, the use of light and interactivity, and the viability of the exhibit to succeed outdoors in the winter elements.

The Winter Light Exhibition is in its third year. Check out videos from our first and second year.

Ontario Place is currently accepting submissions for the Winter Light Exhibition. Project timelines are as follows:

  • Site Tours: Applicants are encouraged to visit Ontario Place. To schedule your visit, contact
  • Submission Due Date: November 27, 2019 at midnight EST
  • Exhibition Dates: February 2020 – March 2020

For more info and to submit your project:

Sorauren Avenue Park Pumpkin Parade – Nov. 1

It’s that time of year again! Join neighbours and friends at Sorauren Avenue Park on Friday Nov. 1 for the annual pumpkin parade. Please bring your carved pumpkins starting at 6pm to put them out on display.

The Sorauren Pumpkin Parade has become a huge success with more than 1500 participating pumpkins in the event in past years. However, with the growing success of the event, there’s a need for more volunteers and support from the community to make sure the event can continue. Volunteers would need to commit 2-4 hours to help  with greeting event attendees and helping with cleanup of pumpkins at the end of the event. If you are interested in volunteering, please email –

Events Details:
6:00 pm – 7:00 pm – Put your pumpkins out on display
6:00 pm – 9:00 pm  – Pumpkin Parade
9:00 pm on-wards – Collect your pumpkins for disposal

All participants are responsible for ensuring that their pumpkins, candles and other materials are disposed of properly at the end of the night.

Block by Block Parkdale – Oct. 19

Toronto Ward Museum is launching Block by Block Toronto, a participatory, multimedia project that engages diverse young people in the collection and interpretation of oral histories from across the city. By training young people to interview community members about their lived experiences, the project preserves and animates stories of migration, settlement and civic life in an effort to build a more inclusive city: one story and one neighbourhood at a time.

The goal of Block by Block is to deepen relationships in and between communities through the exchange of personal stories, reflections and resources. They hope to contribute to better public understanding of settlement experiences and the roles that neighbourhoods play in those experiences through interactive programming, exhibitions, art and storytelling. They think these experiences have been underrepresented in Toronto and that there is a lot to learn from them. RSVP HERE.

Date: Saturday, Oct. 19th, 2019
Time: 2:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Place: 1499 Queen St. West (Parkdale Activity Recreation Centre)

Queen St. West Area Study Community Meeting – Oct. 17

The City is holding a meeting on the West Queen West & Parkdale Main Street Planning Study to present draft Official Plan policies. Information on the West Queen West & Parkdale Main Street Heritage Conservation District (HCD) Plans will also be provided at the Open House. They welcome your comments and there will be opportunities to ask questions of City staff.

They will discuss the results of the West Queen West & Parkdale Main Street Planning Study, which spans Queen Street West between Bathurst Street and Roncesvalles Avenue, and provide an update on the heritage survey and HCD Plans.

WE THE RESIDENTS NEED TO GET IT RIGHT – These Official Plans when approved will be entrenched for the next 20 or 30 years.

Date: Thursday Oct. 17, 2019
Time: Open House 5 pm – 8pm; Presentation – 6:30 pm
Place: 1303 Queen Street West – The Parkdale Library Auditorium

Workshops with Well-know Musicians at Parkdale Library

Coming this Fall as part of the Toronto Library’s Musician in Residence program you will have the opportunity to learn from Canada’s best artists.

Author and musician Dave Bidini is the Toronto Public Library’s Musician in Residence this fall. The only person to have been nominated for a Gemini, Genie and Juno as well CBC’s Canada Reads, he is a founding member of Rheostatics and has published thirteen books.

Canada’s hip hop legend, Michie Mee, will take the crowd through a history of her life in music as well as illuminating the form of hip hop, and exploring the ins and outs of the evolving genre. Michie Mee is known within the music industry for her unique rap style of combining reggae and dance-hall with hip-hop.

For more information on how you can participate click HERE. Program starts October 15th.