All posts by Ric Amis

Development Proposal for 1360 Queen W. & Brock – Sept. 17

Kingsett Capital is proposing a 9-storey terraced mixed-use development containing 117 units with ground-floor commercial uses and a community hub space. The property is currently a 2-storey mixed-use building (previously Designer Fabrics store).
Kingsett is holding a virtual community meeting to present its preliminary proposal for the site.

There is presently a proposal making its way through the City process, with many years of Community, Planning, Heritage and City Councillors’ involvement, to change the current 14m (3.5-storey) height limit along Queen West to 20m (6-storeys). This developer may be unaware of all this public work or is discounting it. This property also sits to the North of the proposed Parkdale Hub project (at Queen & Cowan – Library, Community Centre, 1313 Queen).

Councillor Perks and City Planning staff will be in attendance. We kindly ask that you join to share your comments.

Date: Thursday, Sept. 17th, 2020
Time: 6:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
Place:  Webex Event:
  • Enter your name and email address
  • Password (only if prompted): queenbrock
  • Click Join Now to enter the session using the desktop app
  • Click Join by browser to use a web browser
  • If you do not have the Webex desktop app already installed, you will be prompted to install it OR simply add a web browser extension

King-Queen-Queensway-Roncesvalles Intersection Update – Sept. 8

Work on the King-Queen-Queensway-Roncesvalles (KQQR) intersection will commence Sept. 8th. The first thing up will be the underside bridge rehabilitation of the Parkside Drive bridge at The Queensway.

Working on the reconfiguring the KQQR intersection road and rail tracks for TTC to start in 2021. Infrastructure improvements include replacing watermain, storm sewers, streetscaping, etc. Construction will continue to 2022. For more details check Steve Munro’s website HERE. We will keep you posted as work progresses.

Development Application for 1521 Queen St. W. – Sept. 9

The City is holding a Virtual Community Consultation meeting for this development application.  The meeting will be on-line and by phone. For many Parkdalians, this is a new way to participate in a development application presented to local residents.

The proposal 1521 Queen St. W. is to allow a new 8-storey mixed-use building with commercial/retail on the ground floor and 78 dwelling units on the upper floors, 72 bike parking spaces, and 3 car-share spaces. More details on the application can be found here: and review Support Documentation. The property is currently a 2-storey mixed-use building.

To participate in the virtual meeting on the day of the event go to for details. You can call Councillor Gord Perks of for information at 416-392-7012.

BSAR Development, the developer was responsible for the unlawful evictions of 27 community members at this site in 2015 (click HERE for more info). This developer reached a court settlement of $29,500.

Date: Wednesday, Sept. 9th, 2020
Time: 6:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.
Place:  On-line event

Public Art in Parkdale in August

The SummerWorks festival is happening.  Colourful messages by artist Mark Reinhart written in duct tape adorn the sides of public and private buildings throughout our neighbourhood of Parkdale and along Queen West. Created in collaboration with organizations and residents in the Parkdale community, these temporary public art installations help people remember, be seen, and communicate their fears, wonderings, anxieties, and hopes in a COVID-19 reality.

Installations will be added continuously throughout the month of August. Follow the progress of this project using the MAP found HEREon their Instagram stories, or by safely exploring the Parkdale and Queen West neighbourhood. You can also follow the project on Instagram – and add your own photos – at #HealthAndSafetyNotes

Community partners: Antikka, Artery, BAND (Black Artists’ Network in Dialogue), Gallery 1313, Kate Duncan, Andrew Kerr, PARC (Parkdale Activity-Recreation Centre), STEPS, The Theatre Centre, Toronto Media Arts Centre (TMAC), Workman Arts, Women in Paint

Drop-In Program at Masaryk Park

ParksPlayTO is a FREE drop-in program that offers fun for the whole family.

This program is available at Masaryk Park on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 1:15 pm to 4:30 pm. Families will participate in a two-hour program including activities such as nature and gardening, active games, arts and crafts, family fitness, story-telling and music circles.

Do You Have a Balcony or Window But No Garden Space?

Greenest City wants to help you grow! 

Greenest City is now offering balcony gardening kits. They believe that everyone should have the opportunity to cultivate fresh fruits and veggies. People with no garden space but interested in growing their own food on a balcony or window space this is for you.

In the kit provided at no cost, you will receive:

  • 2 root pouch planters made of recycled material
  • 3 season-appropriate organic seed packs
  • Soil mix
  • A balcony gardening workshop package, including 3 workshops and a balcony gardening book

Register now as kits are limited: Phone: 647-438-0038, Email Nicolas:

Right to be Consulted – Ontario Place

We are at a critical point for the future of Ontario Place. The Ford government has instituted a bit of a pause in its plans to develop the precious lakeside park and heritage site. It’s asked the three finalists to rework their proposals and has reached out to the Mayor of Toronto, promising that the City of Toronto will have a major say in what happens to Ontario Place.

Make sure Premier Ford, Minister MacLeod and Mayor Tory hear your voice. Send them a letter, your own or the one available below, demanding an open and transparent consultation process for the future of Ontario Place.

One of the lessons we have all learned from the Covid-19 pandemic is the importance of open public space where people can gather safely. It is clear that Toronto does not have enough park space, especially in the downtown, and cannot afford to lose any of what it now has to a private developer.

Now, more than ever, we need both the City and the province to consult with the public, open and transparently, about what they would like to see at a revitalized Ontario Place. The public owns the 155-acre site, and we should have a say in its future additions to the site.

  • Ontario Place must be for ALL and kept publicly accessible.
  • Before any changes, there must be a thoughtful, comprehensive public review, with a full and robust public consultation.
  • Public interest, not commercial interest must drive the new vision


Laneway PLAY

Since the City’s Street PLAY program is cancelled how about using our laneways to program activities? Here is a handy guide to organizing a laneway activity that can have a particular purpose or just be for fun.

You do NOT need a road closure permit for a laneway event, because you cannot put any fixed set-up in the laneway.  Keep it temporary and be ready to move it (car coming!) or use the non-right-of-way areas (parking pads, backyards, etc.).