All posts by Ric Amis


Cast a ballot either by mail or in-person for the fall federal election.

You should receive, over the next few days, in the mail from Elections Canada your Voter Information Card. This card will detail where you can vote on Election Day (Sept. 20) and where to vote at an Advance Polling Station (Sept. 10, 11, 12 and 13). If you do not receive this card you can check via Elections Canada website >

These are Election Day locations we are aware of. You may vote from 9:30 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. at:

  • • Bonar-Parkdale Presbyterian Church – 250 Dunn Avenue
  • • Parkdale Library – 1303 Queen Street West
  • • Parkdale United Church – 1355 King Street West
  • • Masaryk-Cowan Community Centre – 220 Cowan Avenue
  • • Argonaut Rowing Club – 1225 Lake Shore Boulevard West

These are the Advance Voting locations we are aware of. The advance poll will be open from 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. at:

  • • Parkdale Library – 1303 Queen Street
  • • Masaryk-Cowan Community Centre – 220 Cowan Avenue


To vote, you must be a Canadian citizen, be at least 18 years old on election day and prove your identity and address.

Ways to Vote:

Upcoming Federal Election

This is one of the most critical elections for us in decades, with an economic recovery to focus on as well as climate action and deep inequality. It’s definitely time to strike a very different path than the one we were on when the pandemic began.

We need a recovery that takes bold steps to address these crises, and invests in building a better future for everyone, which will require everyone to contribute their fair share towards our collective future, particularly those who have amassed incredible wealth. Taxes are the fair and democratic path to achieve this.

What do the Federal Candidates for Parkdale–High Park have to say? Ask them when they knock on your door, call or email you.

• TAYLOR, Paul – New Democratic Party

• VIRANI, Arif – Liberal Party of Canada

• DANZINGER, Wilfried Richard Alexander – People’s Party of Canada

• GERSHUNY, Lorne – Marxist-Leninist Party of Canada

• MARCHAND-LAFORTUNE, Diem – Green Party of Canada

• PARKER, Terry – Marijuana Party

• SANAJKO, Nestor – Conservative Party of Canada

Toronto For All: Undocumented Residents Campaign

Undocumented residents make important contributions to the economic and cultural fabric of our city, with many experiencing tremendous hardships while living in fear due to their lack of immigration status. The City of Toronto has launched the latest Toronto for All campaign focused on support for undocumented residents.

For this campaign, the City has partnered with FCJ Refugee Centre, and other key agencies, to reduce discrimination by sharing the realities of undocumented life in Toronto.

The campaign runs until September 21. Find out more about what you can do to make Toronto more inclusive of undocumented residents here.

Parkdale-High Park 100 Debates on the Environment 2021 – Sept. 8

The people of Parkdale-High Park care deeply about the environment. Hear where our federal candidates stand on these pressing issues leading up to the federal election. 

Please join GreenPac, Parkdale High-Park for Climate Action, Green13, Green Parkdale Roncesvalles, Roncy Reduces, Safe Rail Communities, the Junction Residents Association and Neighbourhood Energy Solutions for an all-candidates debate on the environment.

Wednesday, September 8, 2021 

6 PM to 8 PM

Please register on Eventbrite:


  • Paul Taylor (New Democratic Party) 
  • Arif Virani (Liberal Party)
  • Diem Marchand-Lafortune (Green Party) 
  • Nestor Sanajko (Conservative Party) 

Thank you!

The PHP 100 Debates on the Environment Organizing Team

This event is sponsored by Vancity Community Investment Bank

Vacancies Board of Directors of Exhibition Place – Sept. 15

Two public appointments are opening up soon on the Board of Directors of Exhibition Place. Apply by September 15, 2021, at

Over the past 15 years, the population around Exhibition Place (in Parkdale, Liberty Village, Niagara, Fort York, City Place, Bathurst Quay, Wellington Place) has increased by over 125,000 people. They/we need green space for our physical, mental, and social well-being. The Parkdale Residents Association and the West Side Community Council (13 local RAs) have requested, for the past number of years, local representation on the Board of Exhibition Place from the local catchment area. Sign our petition:

Exhibition Place is an iconic City landmark serving as Canada’s largest entertainment venue, a major convention centre, an urban parkland enjoyed by locals and other Toronto’s residents and visitors and a multi-faceted professional sports destination. Pre-pandemic attracting over 5.5 million visitors a year. We believe this 192-acre piece of City-owned land would be better served by having local representation on its Board.

If you live in the area apply to be on the Board of Exhibition Place


Dear Neighbours,
Canada Post has decided to close operations at 1117 Queen Street West (Postal Station C) and sell the building to the highest bidder.
We believe the building should stay in public hands, for public use. It should not be sold and used only for private interests. The building has served the public since 1902!
A group of local WQW residents have called upon the Federal Government to immediately halt the sale of 1117 Queen Street West and they ask that you join them in this effort!
If you wish to show your support please sign their petition, here:

They also, invite you to join them for a rally to save 1117 Queen Street West on

Saturday, August 14th, at 1:00 pm

on the “back porch” of 1117 Queen Street West