All posts by admin

Union Pearson Express Electification Open House

Metrolinx and Hydro One Networks Inc. invite you to their joint Public Open House to learn more about plans to electrify UP Express. You can receive project updates and provide feedback on the preliminary design components, environmental effects and more – click here.

There are 4 Open House meetings. The closest to Parkdale in on:
Monday, February 3, 2104 – Locus 144 Restaurant, 171 East Liberty Street, Unit 144
Time: 6:30 to 8:30 PM

Thanks to all Parkdalians for moving this course of action forward!


SeeClickFix  is a web tool and free mobile phone app that allows you to report non-emergency neighbourhood issues and problems to public officials and other engaged citizens. Reported issues are displayed on a web-based map along with tools which allow other citizens to add comments, suggest resolutions, or add video/pictorial documentation.  Anyone can receive email alerts on these issues based on a filter by geographical area and keyword. Kinda like a giant interactive 3-1-1 system.

Here are links to Toronto and Parkdale areas of SeeClickFix.

Ontario Place Revitalization

The Province is planning to create a 7.5-acre urban park that would be developed on the east island of the Ontario Place lands. LANDinc and West 8 have been selected to design the urban park that will form part of Ontario Place’s redesign.

There are four public consultations, where you will be able to participate in and contribute to the development plans. The first was held December 4 at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre. If you’re unable to make it to the meetings, you are still able to provide input and learn about the project in greater detail online – My Ontario Place. There is a feedback survey to fill out by December 18th at
Also, check out Waterfront Toronto for more information.

The improved waterfront is planned to be completed for the 2015 Pan-Am Games.

Dufferin Street bridge closed to pedestrians until January

Pedestrians will not be able to cross Toronto’s Dufferin Street Bridge until January as a result of complications to construction work taking place at the site. Pedestrians can cross the railway tracks between Liberty Village and Exhibition Place, using the GO Station tunnel at Atlantic Avenue.

The bridge will be closed to vehicular traffic until February, when two temporary bridges will be installed.

Protecting the Character of Queen West

Councillors Perks, Layton and Bailão have initiated a Planning Study along Queen Street West from Bathurst Street to Roncesvalles Avenue.

The Study is being instigated to address community concerns regarding the loss of buildings with heritage attributes, transit capacity, insufficient parking, and protecting the character of the street.

Their letter submitted to City Council is here.

The PRA Executive supports this initiative along with 4 Residents Associations and 3 BIAs from the area effected.