KingSett Captial REIT plans a new 9-storey mixed-use building, including 117 new residential units, with retail/commercial at grade at 1354-1360 Queen St W was submitted to the City in 2020 and then appealed at the Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT) formerly Local Planning Appeal Tribunal (LPAT).
The property is currently occupied by five buildings along Queen Street West and Brock Avenue. There are four two-storey retail and a three-storey mixed-use building along Queen Street West and Brock Avenue and one two-storey semi-detached building on Brock Avenue – 1358-1360 and 1354-1356 Queen Street West and 8-10, 12 and 14 Brock Avenue
City Council has directed the City Solicitor, together with City Planning staff, and other appropriate City staff, to attend the OLT in opposition to the proposed development. https://www.toronto.ca/legdocs/mmis/2021/te/bgrd/backgroundfile-167578.pdf
Further, the applicant has made a settlement offer to resolve the Appeal. A Request of Directions Report to City Council will be prepared for the July 2022 City Council meeting with recommendations on the city’s response to the settlement offer. Prior to that report coming to City Council, Councillor Perks is holding a Virtual Community meeting to review the Settlement offer with the community.
Over seven years of Community meetings, Planning, Heritage and City Councillors’ involvement went into updating the current 14m (3-storey) height limit along Queen West to 20m (6-storeys). This developer is discounting all this public work. This property also sits to the North of Parkdale Village Town Square and the proposed Parkdale Hub project (at Queen & Cowan – Public Library, Community Centre, 1313 Queen, Green P parking).
Join a City Virtual Community Consultation Meeting to have an opportunity to review the original application against the settlement offer. City Planning and Heritage staff will be in attendance.
Date: Monday, June 6, 2022
Time: 6:30 pm to 8:00 PM
Place: Register for Webex event > http://www.toronto.ca/cpconsultations.